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Direct access: 投書 , 当初 , 凍傷 , 投信 , 当時 , 冬至 , 当事者 , 当日 , 登場 , 搭乗


pronunciation: tousho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: contribution, letter from a reader
投書する: toushosuru: contribute (an article to the newspaper), write a letter
投書家: toushoka: contributor <<<
投書箱: toushobako: suggestion box <<<
投書欄: toushoran: contributors' column <<<
related words: 投稿


pronunciation: tousho
kanji characters: ,
translation: beginning
当初は: toushowa: at first, in [at] the beginning
当初に: toushoni
当初の: toushono: first, original, initial
当初より: toushoyori: from the beginning [start]
当初から: toushokara
当初予算: toushoyosan: original budget <<< 予算
related words: 最初


pronunciation: toushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: frostbite, chilblains
凍傷に罹る: toushounikakaru: become frostbitten, be affected with chilblains, have chilblains <<<
related words: 霜焼


pronunciation: toushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: investment trust
上場投信: joujoutoushin: Exchange-Traded Fund, ETF <<< 上場
不動産投信: hudousantoushin: reit, real estate investment trust <<< 不動産
デリバティブ投信: deribatibutoushin: derivatives investment trust <<< デリバティブ


pronunciation: touji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , history
translation: that time, those days
当時の: toujino: then, of those days
当時は: toujiwa: at that time, in those days, then


pronunciation: touji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: winter solstice
冬至線: toujisen: Tropic of Capricorn <<<
antonyms: 夏至


pronunciation: toujisha
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: law
translation: the person [party] concerned, privy
訴訟当事者: soshoutoujisha: parties (to a lawsuit), litigants <<< 訴訟


pronunciation: toujitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: that day, appointed day
当日は: toujitsuwa: on that day
当日券: toujitsuken: today's ticket, day ticket <<<
当日限り有効: toujitsukagiriyuukou: valid [good] for the day of issue


pronunciation: toujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , literature
translation: entrance, appearance (on the stage, movie, novel)
登場する: toujousuru: enter, appear (on the stage, movie, novel)
登場人物: toujoujinbutsu: character, dramatis personae <<< 人物


pronunciation: toujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane
translation: boarding
搭乗する: toujousuru: board [get on] a plane
搭乗員: toujouin: crew member, crew <<<
搭乗券: toujouken: boarding pass <<<
搭乗者: toujousha: passenger <<<

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