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Direct access: 灯台 , 当地 , 統治 , 到着 , 盗聴 , 当直 , 到底 , 当店 , 頭取 , 東南


pronunciation: toudai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: lighthouse
灯台下暗し: toudaimotokurashi: The beacon does not shine on its own base, The darkest place is under the candlestick
灯台守: toudaimori: light-house keeper <<<
灯台船: toudaisen: lightship <<<
アレクサンドリアの灯台: arekusandorianotoudai: Lighthouse of Alexandria <<< アレクサンドリア


pronunciation: touchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: this place, place in question
当地の: touchino: local
当地で: touchide: here, in this place
当地に: touchini


pronunciation: touchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , administration
translation: rule (n.), government, reign
統治する: touchisuru: govern, rule (over), reign (over)
統治下: touchika: under the rule [reign] of <<<
統治下に在る: touchikaniaru: be under the rule [reign] of <<<
統治権: touchiken: supreme power, sovereignty <<<
統治者: touchisha: sovereign, ruler <<<
統治機関: touchikikan: government organ <<< 機関
統治行為: touchikoui: act of the state <<< 行為
委任統治: inintouchi: mandatory rule <<< 委任
信託統治: shintakutouchi: trusteeship <<< 信託


pronunciation: touchaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: arrival, coming
到着する: touchakusuru: arrive, come
到着順に: touchakujunnni: in order of arrival <<<
到着駅: touchakueki: arrival station <<<
到着港: touchakukou: port of arrival (destination) <<<
到着時刻: touchakujikoku: arrival time <<< 時刻
到着ホーム: touchakuhoomu: arrival plat-form <<< ホーム
無事に到着する: bujinitouchakusuru: arrive safely, reach in good condition [order] <<< 無事
related words: 出発


pronunciation: touchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: wire tapping, eavesdropping
盗聴する: touchousuru: tap, eavesdrop
盗聴器: touchouki: bug, eavesdrop device <<<


pronunciation: touchoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: duty, watch, person on duty [on watch]
当直する: touchokusuru: be on (night) duty, keep watch
当直医: touchokui: doctor on night duty <<<
当直員: touchokuin: person on duty [on watch] <<<
synonyms: 当番


pronunciation: toutei
kanji characters: ,
translation: not possibly [at all], cannot by any possibility, by no means, quite, utterly
到底駄目: touteidame: be hopeless [beyond hope] <<< 駄目
related words: 結局


pronunciation: touten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shop
translation: our shop


pronunciation: toudori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: president [head] (of a bank)
銀行頭取: ginkoutoudori: general manager of a bank <<< 銀行
related words: 社長


pronunciation: tounan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , weather
translation: southeast
東南の: tounannno: southeastern
東南風: tounanhuu: southeast (southeasterly) wind, southeaster <<<
東南アジア: tounannajia: Southeast Asia <<< アジア

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