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Direct access: 当分 , 糖分 , 当方 , 東北 , 逃亡 , 冬眠 , 透明 , 投薬 , 灯油 , 東洋


pronunciation: toubun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: for the present, for the time being, for some time (to come), for a while
related words: 当座


pronunciation: toubun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: amount of sugar, sucrose
糖分を含んだ: toubunnohukunda: sugary <<<
糖分を含む: toubunnohukumu
related words: 砂糖 , 糖尿病


pronunciation: touhou
kanji characters: ,
translation: we, I
当方の: touhouno: on our [my] part
当方では: touhoudeha
当方負担で: touhouhutande: at our own cost [risk] <<< 負担
当方勘定: touhoukanjou: our account <<< 勘定
related words: 我々 , 私達


pronunciation: touhoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , japan
translation: northeast
東北の: touhokuno: northeastern
東北風: touhokuhuu: northeast wind <<<
東北弁: touhokuben: dialect [accent] of Tohoku <<<
東北地方: touhokuchihou: Northeast Japan, Tohoku region, Northeast China, Manchuria <<< 地方
東北本線: touhokuhonsen: Tohoku Main Line (railway which serves Tohoku region from Tokyo) <<< 本線
東北新幹線: touhokushinkansen: Tohoku Shinkansen (highspeed railway which serves Tohoku region from Tokyo)
東北電力: touhokudenryoku: Tohoku electric power company <<< 電力
東北自動車道: touhokujidoushadou: Tohoku Expressway <<< 車道
東北アジア: touhokuajia: Northeast Asia <<< アジア


pronunciation: toubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: flight, desertion
逃亡する: toubousuru: escape, flee, fly, run away, make tracks, abscond (from), decamp (from), desert
逃亡を企てる: toubouokuwadateru: attempt to escape <<<
逃亡中: toubouchuu: on the run [lam] <<<
逃亡者: toubousha: fugitive, a runaway, deserter <<<
逃亡兵: toubouhei: deserter <<<
related words: 脱走


pronunciation: toumin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: hibernation, winter sleep
冬眠する: touminsuru: hibernate
冬眠動物: toumindoubutsu: hibernating animal <<< 動物


pronunciation: toumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: transparency
透明な: toumeina: transparent, lucid, clear, limpid, crystalline
透明度: toumeido: transparency (degree), visibility <<<
透明体: toumeitai: transparent body <<<
透明人間: toumeiningen: The Invisible Man (a novel of HG. Wells) <<< 人間
不透明: hutoumei: opaque <<<
半透明: hantoumei: translucent, semi-transparent <<<
無色透明の: mushokutoumeino: colorless and transparent <<< 無色


pronunciation: touyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: prescription, medication
投薬する: touyakusuru: prescribe [administer, give] a medicine (to a person), medicate, dose (a patient with a medicine)


pronunciation: touyu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , house
translation: kerosene, paraffin oil


pronunciation: touyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: asia
translation: Eastern Asia, Orient
東洋の: touyouno: eastern, oriental
東洋風: touyouhuu <<<
東洋人: touyoujin: Oriental, Asian <<<
東洋化: touyouka: easternize <<<
東洋学: touyougaku: Oriental studies <<<
東洋学者: touyougakusha: Orientalist <<< 学者
東洋文明: touyoubunmei: eastern civilization, Asian civilization <<< 文明
東洋美術: touyoubijutsu: oriental art <<< 美術
東洋思想: touyoushisou: Orientalism <<< 思想
東洋医学: touyouigaku: Chinese medicine <<< 医学
antonyms: 西洋
related words: アジア

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