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Direct access: 特製 , 特選 , 特長 , 特徴 , 特定 , 得点 , 特典 , 特売 , 特別 , 匿名


pronunciation: tokusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: special make [production]
特製の: tokuseino: of special make, specially made [manufactured], specially bound, deluxe
特製品: tokuseihin: specially made goods <<<


pronunciation: tokusen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: special selection
特選の: tokusennno: specially selected [chosen, recognized]
特選品: tokusenhin: choice goods <<<


pronunciation: tokuchou
kanji characters: ,
translation: merit, strong [good] point, forte
related words: 特徴


pronunciation: tokuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: special [distinctive] feature, characteristic, peculiarity, trait, individuality
特徴の有る: tokuchounoaru: characteristic, peculiar, remarkable, striking <<<
特徴の無い: tokuchounonai: featureless, common <<<
特徴を成す: tokuchouonasu: constitute a characteristic feature (of) <<<
特徴付ける: tokuchouZukeru <<<
特徴表示: tokuchouhyouji: description, particulars <<< 表示
related words: 特長


pronunciation: tokutei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: specification, determination
特定の: tokuteino: (specially) fixed, specific, specified, given
特定する: tokuteisuru: specify, determine
特定物: tokuteibutsu: specific thing <<<
特定財源: tokuteizaigen: specific funds
特定財産: tokuteizaisan: specific property <<< 財産
特定銘柄: tokuteimeigara: specific stocks <<< 銘柄
特定料金: tokuteiryoukin: special fee [fare] <<< 料金
related words: 特別


pronunciation: tokuten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: goal (n.), score (n.), mark (n.)
得点する: tokutensuru: goal (v.), score (v.), mark (v.)
得点表: tokutenhyou: scorebook, scorecard <<<
related words: 点数 , スコア , ゴール


pronunciation: tokuten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: privilege (n.), special favor
特典を与える: tokutennoataeru: privilege (a person to do), grant a privilege (to a person) <<<
特典を得る: tokutennoeru: get a privilege (of) <<<


pronunciation: tokubai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: sale, bargain
特売する: tokubaisuru: sell at a special price
特売場: tokubaijou: bargain counter, bazaar <<<
特売日: tokubaibi: bargain day <<<
特売品: tokubaihin: bargain (goods) <<<
synonyms: セール


pronunciation: tokubetsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: extra, exception
特別な: tokubetsuna: special, particular, peculiar, exceptional <<< スペシャル
特別に: tokubetsuni: especially, particularly, in particular, exceptionally
特別扱いする: tokubetsuatsukaisuru: give special treatment <<<
特別号: tokubetsugou: special number <<<
特別法: tokubetsuhou: special law <<<
特別席: tokubetsuseki: reserved seat <<<
特別手当: tokubetsuteate: special allowance, bonus <<< 手当
特別会員: tokubetsukaiin: special member <<< 会員
特別会計: tokubetsukaikei: special account <<< 会計
特別列車: tokubetsuressha: special train <<< 列車
特別公演: tokubetsukouen: special exhibition <<< 公演
特別買収目的会社: tokubetsubaishuumokutekigaisha: special purpose acquisition company, SPAC <<< 会社
synonyms: 特殊


pronunciation: tokumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: name , media
translation: anonymity
匿名の: tokumeino: anonymous, unnamed
匿名で: tokumeide: anonymously
related words: 無名

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