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Direct access: 特約 , 戸口 , 時計 , 渡航 , 床虱 , 床の間 , 床屋 , 土佐 , 屠殺 , 登山


pronunciation: tokuyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: special contract [agreement]
特約する: tokuyakusuru: make [enter into] a special contract (with)
特約店: tokuyakuten: special agent, chain store <<<


pronunciation: toguchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: doorway, entrance
戸口で: toguchide: at the door
related words: ドア


pronunciation: tokei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time , accessory
translation: clock, watch
時計が進む: tokeigasusumu: The watch [clock] gains <<<
時計が遅れる: tokeigaokureru: The watch [clock] loses <<<
時計の針: tokeinohari: hands (of a watch) <<<
時計の鎖: tokeinokusari: watch chain <<<
時計を見る: tokeiomiru: look at a watch [clock] <<<
時計を巻く: tokeiomaku: wind up a watch [clock] <<<
時計回り: tokeimawari: clockwise <<<
逆時計回り: gyakudokeimawari: anti-clockwise, counter-clockwise <<<
時計の音: tokeinooto: ticking of a clock, ticktack, tictac <<<
時計台: tokeidai: clock tower <<<
時計屋: tokeiya: clockmaker, watchmaker <<<
腕時計: udedokei: wristwatch <<<
砂時計: sunadokei: hourglass, sandglass <<<
日時計: hidokei: sundial <<<
鳩時計: hatodokei: cuckoo clock <<<
懐中時計: kaichuudokei: pocket watch <<< 懐中
原子時計: genshidokei: atomic clock <<< 原子
水晶時計: suishoudokei: quartz clock <<< 水晶
振子時計: hurikodokei: pendulum clock <<< 振子
防水時計: bousuidokei: waterproof watch, oyster <<< 防水
チャイム時計: chaimudokei: chime clock <<< チャイム
デジタル時計: dejitarudokei: digital watch <<< デジタル


pronunciation: tokou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: voyage (to oversea), passage
渡航する: tokousuru: make a voyage [passage] (to oversea), go over (to)
渡航者: tokousha: passenger <<<
related words: 旅行


pronunciation: tokojirami
kanji characters: ,
other spells: トコジラミ
keyword: insect
translation: bedbug


pronunciation: tokonoma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , japan
translation: Japanese alcove, tokonoma


pronunciation: tokoya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty , shop
translation: barber, barbershop, barber's shop
床屋に行く: tokoyaniiku: go to a barbershop, have [get] a haircut <<<
床屋の看板: tokoyanokanban: barber's pole <<< 看板
related words: 美容 , 散髪


pronunciation: tosa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: Tosa (old name of Kochi prefecture)
土佐国: tosanokuni <<<
土佐犬: tosaken, tosainu: Tosa dog <<<
related words: 高知


pronunciation: tosatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: slaughter (n.)
屠殺する: tosatsusuru: slaughter (v.)
屠殺場: tosatsujou: slaughterhouse, abattoir, butchery <<<
屠殺者: tosatsusha: slaughterer <<<


pronunciation: tozan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , nature
translation: mountain climbing, mountaineering
登山する: tozansuru: climb, ascend a mountain
登山家: tozanka: climber, mountaineer, alpinist <<<
登山者: tozansha <<<
登山靴: tozangutsu: mountaineering boots <<<
登山隊: tozantai: mountaineering party <<<
登山杖: tozantsue: alpenstock <<<
登山熱: tozannnetsu: passion [craze] for mountaineering <<<
登山鉄道: tozantetsudou: mountain railway <<< 鉄道
登山電車: tozandensha <<< 電車
登山シーズン: tozanshiizun: mountaineering season <<< シーズン
アルプス登山: arupusutozan: alpinism <<< アルプス
synonyms: 山登り

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