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Direct access: 特急 , 特許 , 徳利 , 特訓 , 特権 , 特効 , 特攻 , 突出 , 突進 , 鳥取


pronunciation: tokkyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: special [limited] express
特急列車: tokkyuuressha: special [limited] express train <<< 列車
超特急: choutokkyuu: super express (in high speed railway) <<<
related words: 急行


pronunciation: tokkyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , law
translation: patent
特許を得る: tokkyooeru: obtain (get) a patent <<<
特許を与える: tokkyooataeru: grant a patent <<<
特許局: tokkyokyoku: patent office <<<
特許庁: tokkyochou <<<
特許状: tokkyojou: diploma, charter, patent <<<
特許品: tokkyohin: patent, patented article <<<
特許料: tokkyoryou: patent fee <<<
特許法: tokkyohou: patent law <<<
特許権: tokkyoken: patent right <<<
特許を申請する: tokkyooshinseisuru: apply for a patent <<< 申請


pronunciation: tokkuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: sake bottle
徳利を回す: tokkuriomawasu: pass round a sake bottle <<<
徳利のセーター: tokkurinoseetaa: turtleneck <<< セーター
related words:


pronunciation: tokkun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: special training, crash course
特訓を受ける: tokkunnoukeru: go through special training (in), take a crash course <<<


pronunciation: tokken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: privilege (n.), special rights, prerogative, immunity, liberties
特権を予える: tokkennoataeru: privilege (a person to do), give (a person) the privilege (of) <<<
特権階級: tokkenkaikyuu: privileged classes <<< 階級
議員特権: giintokken: parliamentary immunity <<< 議員
外交特権: gaikoutokken: diplomatic privilege [immunity] <<< 外交


pronunciation: tokkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug
translation: specific virtue [efficacy] (for)
特効薬: tokkouyaku: specific medicine (for) <<<


pronunciation: tokkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: suicide [suicidal] mission [attack]
特攻機: tokkouki: suicide aircraft <<<
特攻隊: tokkoutai: special attack corps, suicide squad, kamikaze <<<
related words: 神風


pronunciation: tosshutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shape
translation: projection
突出する: tosshutsusuru: project, jut [stand] out
突出部: tosshutsubu: projection <<<


pronunciation: tosshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: rush (n.), dash, charge
突進する: tosshinsuru: rush (at), dash (at), charge (at), hurtle
related words: 突撃


pronunciation: tottori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Tottori (prefecture, city)
鳥取県: tottoriken: Prefecture of Tottori <<<
鳥取市: tottorishi: City of Tottori <<<
鳥取砂丘: tottorisakyuu: Tottori sand dunes <<< 砂丘
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