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Direct access: 滞納 , 退廃 , 大半 , 胎盤 , 対比 , 退避 , 台風 , 泰平 , 太平洋 , 大変


pronunciation: tainou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 怠納
keyword: accounting
translation: nonpayment, arrearage
滞納する: tainousuru: fail to pay, be in arrears, be in delinquent in one's payment
滞納額: tainougaku: amount in arrears <<<
滞納金: tainoukin: arrears, arrearage <<<
滞納者: tainousha: defaulter, delinquent <<<
滞納処分: tainoushobun: disposition for failure to pay <<< 処分
税金滞納: zeikintainou: tax arrearage <<< 税金
synonyms: 延滞


pronunciation: taihai
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: art
translation: degeneration, decadence
退廃する: taihaisuru: be degenerated, be corrupted, fall into decay
退廃した: taihaishita: degenerated, corrupted
退廃的: taihaiteki: decadent, degenerating <<<


pronunciation: taihan
kanji characters: ,
translation: majority, the greater [most] part
大半は: taihanwa: mostly, for the most part, nearly all


pronunciation: taiban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: placenta
related words: 子宮


pronunciation: taihi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: contrast (n.) , comparison
対比する: taihisuru: contrast [compare] (two things, A with B), make a comparison
related words: 比較 , コントラスト


pronunciation: taihi
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: disaster
translation: refuge (n.)
退避する: taihisuru: take shelter (in, under), refuge (vi.)


pronunciation: taihuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: typhoon
台風の目: taihuunome: eye of a typhoon <<<
台風圏: taihuuken: typhoon area <<<


pronunciation: taihei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: undisturbed peace, tranquility
泰平の: taiheino: peaceful, tranquil, quiet
天下泰平だ: tankataiheida: Peace reigns over the land <<< 天下
synonyms: 平和


pronunciation: taiheiyou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: geography , sea
translation: Pacific Ocean
太平洋の: taiheiyouno: Pacific (a.)
太平洋沿岸: taiheiyouengan: Pacific coast <<< 沿岸
太平洋横断: taiheiyououdan: crossing of the Pacific <<< 横断
太平洋横断の: taiheiyououdannno: transpacific
太平洋艦隊: taiheiyoukantai: Pacific fleet <<< 艦隊
太平洋諸島: taiheiyoushotou: Pacific islands <<< 諸島
太平洋戦争: taiheiyousensou: Pacific War, War in the Pacific <<< 戦争
南太平洋: minamitaiheiyou: southern Pacific <<<
北太平洋: kitataiheiyou: northern Pacific <<<
related words: 大西洋


pronunciation: taihen
kanji characters: ,
translation: serious affairs
大変に: taihennni: very, seriously <<<
大変な: taihennna: serious, grave, troublesome, hard, difficult, wonderful, dreadful
大変な数: taihennnakazu: vast amount [number] <<<
related words: 非常

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