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Direct access: 罪人 , 財閥 , 財宝 , 財務 , 材木 , 在留 , 材料 , 石榴 , 座高 , 座敷


pronunciation: zainin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: criminal, convict, culprit, offender
重罪人: juuzainin: capital offender <<<
related words: 犯人


pronunciation: zaibatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: zaibatsu, plutocracy, plutocrat, financial clique, giant family trust
財閥解体: zaibatsukaitai: break-up of zaibatsu <<< 解体


pronunciation: zaihou
kanji characters: ,
translation: treasures, riches


pronunciation: zaimu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , accounting
translation: financial affairs, finance
財務官: zaimukan: financial commissioner <<<
財務局: zaimukyoku: Financial Bureau <<<
財務省: zaimushou: Ministry of Finance <<<
財務大臣: zaimudaijin: Finance Minister <<< 大臣
財務長官: zaimuchoukan: Secretary of Treasury (in US) <<< 長官
財務会計: zaimukaikei: financial accounting <<< 会計
財務管理: zaimukanri: financial management <<< 管理
財務指標: zaimushihyou: financial index <<< 指標
財務政策: zaimuseisaku: financial [fiscal] policy <<< 政策
財務顧問: zaimukomon: financial adviser [consultant, counsel] <<< 顧問
財務理事: zaimuriji: financial administrator <<< 理事


pronunciation: zaimoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: wood, lumber, timber, log
材木商: zaimokushou: lumber dealer [merchant] <<<
材木屋: zaimokuya <<<
材木置場: zaimokuokiba: lumberyard, timberyard


pronunciation: zairyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: long sojourn [stay], residence
在留の: zairyuuno: resident, living
在留する: zairyuusuru: reside, live (v.)
在留届: zairyuutodoke: declaration of sojourn <<<
在留邦人: zairyuuhoujin: Japanese residents <<< 邦人
在留資格: zairyuushikaku: right of residence <<< 資格
synonyms: 在住


pronunciation: zairyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: (raw) material, stuff, ingredient, data
材料費: zairyouhi: material cost <<<
研究材料: kenkyuuzairyou: materials [data] for research work <<< 研究
実験材料: jikkenzairyou: experimental object <<< 実験
related words: 素材 , 原料


pronunciation: zakuro
kanji characters:
other spells: 柘榴, ザクロ
keyword: fruit
translation: pomegranate (tree)
石榴石: zakuroishi: carbuncle, garnet <<<


pronunciation: zakou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: one's sitting height
座高が高い: zakougatakai: be long-torsoed <<<


pronunciation: zashiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: (Japanese style) room, drawing room, parlor
座敷に通す: zashikinitoosu: show a person into the parlor <<<
座敷牢: zashikirou: room of confinement

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