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Direct access: 前途 , 前半 , 前場 , 全般 , 全部 , 全文 , 前編 , 前方 , 全滅 , 前面


pronunciation: zento
kanji characters: ,
translation: the [one's] future, prospect, outlook
前途多難.: zentotanan: There are [lie] a lot of difficulties in the [one's] future. The future looks very black
前途遼遠: zentoryouen: The [our] goal is a long way off.
synonyms: 未来


pronunciation: zenhan, zenpan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , sport
translation: the former half, the first half
前半に: zenhannni: in the first half of
前半戦: zenhansen: first half-time <<<
antonyms: 後半


pronunciation: zenba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: (market) morning session
antonyms: 後場


pronunciation: zenpan
kanji characters: ,
translation: the whole
全般的: zenpanteki: general, overall <<<
全般の: zenpannno
全般に渡って: zenpannniwatatte: generally <<<
related words: 一般


pronunciation: zenbu
kanji characters: ,
translation: all, the whole, entire, total, wholly, entirely, altogether
全部の: zenbuno: all (a.), whole, entire, total
全部で: zenbude: in all, altogether, all told
related words: 半分


pronunciation: zenbun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: whole sentence [passage], full text
全文を引用する: zenbunnoinnyousuru: quote in full
全文を掲げる: zenbunnokakageru <<<


pronunciation: zenpen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: prequel, backplay, the first part [volume] of the preceding section


pronunciation: zenpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , war
translation: front (n.)
前方の: zenpouno: front (a.), in front, at the front
前方に: zenpouni: ahead, in front (of), forward
前方へ: zenpoue: ahead, forward
前方を見よ: zenpouomiyo: Look ahead <<<
related words: 後方


pronunciation: zenmetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: annihilation, total destruction
全滅する: zenmetsusuru: be annihilated, be totally destroyed, be wiped [stamped] out
全滅させる: zenmetsusaseru: annihilate, destroy totally


pronunciation: zenmen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: front (n.), frontage, facade
前面の: zenmennno: front (a.), frontal
前面に: zenmennni: in front (of)
related words: 正面

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