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Direct access: 造船 , 贈呈 , 雑煮 , 臓物 , 草履 , 贈賄 , 俗語 , 続伸 , 属性 , 俗説


pronunciation: zousen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: shipbuilding
造船する: zousensuru: build a ship
造船業: zousengyou: shipbuilding industry <<<
造船所: zousenjo: shipyard, shipbuilding yard, dockyard, arsenal <<<
造船台: zousendai: shipway, slipway <<<
造船技師: zousengishi: naval [marine] engineer <<< 技師
造船計画: zousenkeikaku: shipbuilding program <<< 計画


pronunciation: zoutei
kanji characters: ,
translation: presentation, with the compliments of (the author)
贈呈する: zouteisuru: present (a person with a thing), make a present [gift] of (a thing to a person)
贈呈式: zouteishiki: ceremony of the presentation <<<
贈呈者: zouteisha: presenter, giver <<<
贈呈品: zouteihin: present, gift <<<
贈呈本: zouteibon: presentation copy <<<
related words: 贈物 , プレゼント


pronunciation: zouni
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese food
translation: rice cakes in vegetable soup


pronunciation: zoumotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: meat
translation: entrails, guts, giblets, pluck
臓物料理: zoumotsuryouri: tripe <<< 料理


pronunciation: zouri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: footwear
translation: Japanese sandals, slippers
草履を履く: zouriohaku: put on [wear] sandals <<<
草履取り: zouritori: sandal carrier <<<
草履虫: zourimushi: paramecium <<<
藁草履: warazouri: straw sandals <<<
ゴム草履: gomuzouri: rubber sandals <<< ゴム
related words: 下駄 , サンダル


pronunciation: zouwai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , politics
translation: bribery, corruption
贈賄する: zouwaisuru: bribe (v.), give a bribe, corrupt
贈賄を受ける: zouwaioukeru: take [accept] a bribe <<<
贈賄で訴えられる: zouwaideuttaerareru: be charged with bribery <<<
贈賄者: zouwaisha: briber <<<
贈賄罪: zouwaizai: bribery (crime) <<<
贈賄事件: zouwaijiken: bribery case [scandal] <<< 事件
related words: 買収 , 汚職 , 賄賂


pronunciation: zokugo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: slang word [expression]
俗語で: zokugode: in the popular language


pronunciation: zokushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: market
translation: continuous growth
続伸する: zokushinsuru: continuously grow
related words: 続落


pronunciation: zokusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: attribute


pronunciation: zokusetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fantasy
translation: popular belief

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