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Direct access: 座礁 , 座席 , 挫折 , 座禅 , 雑貨 , 雑誌 , 雑種 , 雑草 , 雑多 , 雑踏


pronunciation: zashou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: state of being aground, running aground, beaching
座礁する: zashousuru: strand, run aground
座礁している: zashoushiteiru: be aground


pronunciation: zaseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , show , sport
translation: seat, place, pew, bench
座席に着く: zasekinitsuku: take (have) a seat, sit down <<<
座席を譲る: zasekioyuzuru: offer one's seat <<<
座席表: zasekihyou: plan of seats <<<
座席券: zasekiken: reservation ticket <<<
座席番号: zasekibangou: seat number <<< 番号
座席指定: zasekishitei: seat reservation <<< 指定
座席満員: zasekimannin: standing room only <<< 満員
脱出座席: dasshutsuzaseki: hot seat <<< 脱出
階段座席: kaidanzaseki: series of seats [steps], terrace <<< 階段
related words: シート


pronunciation: zasetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: frustration, discouragement
挫折する: zasetsusuru: be frustrated, collapse, break down, fall through, be discouraged, be disheartened
挫折させる: zasetsusaseru: frustrate, discourage, foil (v.)
挫折感: zasetsukan: feelings of frustration <<<
related words: 失敗


pronunciation: zazen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: religious meditation
座禅を組む: zazennokumu: sit in (religious) meditation <<<
related words: ヨガ


pronunciation: zakka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shop
translation: sundry goods, convenience goods
雑貨店: zakkaten: general store, convenience store, bazaar <<< , 万屋
雑貨商: zakkashou: general dealer <<<
雑貨売場: zakkauriba: notion counter <<< 売場


pronunciation: zasshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: magazine, periodical, journal
雑誌を出す: zasshiodasu: publish a magazine <<<
雑誌を取る: zasshiotoru: take (subscribe for) a magazine <<<
雑誌社: zasshisha: magazine publisher <<<
雑誌記者: zasshikisha: magazine writer, magazinist <<< 記者
雑誌記事: zasshikiji: magazine article <<< 記事
回覧雑誌: kairanzasshi: circulating magazine <<< 回覧
機関雑誌: kikanzasshi: organ magazine, bulletin <<< 機関
総合雑誌: sougouzasshi: all-round magazine <<< 総合
月刊雑誌: gekkanzasshi: monthly magazine <<< 月刊
季刊雑誌: kikanzasshi: quartely magazine <<< 季刊
同人雑誌: douninzasshidoujinzasshi: literary coterie magazine <<< 同人
少年雑誌: shounenzasshi: boy's magazine <<< 少年
娯楽雑誌: gorakuzasshi: magazine for amusement <<< 娯楽
評論雑誌: hyouronzasshi: review (journal) <<< 評論
婦人雑誌: hujinzasshi: woman's magazine <<< 婦人
モード雑誌: moodozasshi: fashion magazine <<< モード
ポルノ雑誌: porunozasshi: skin magazine <<< ポルノ
ファッション雑誌: fasshonzasshi: fashion magazine <<< ファッション


pronunciation: zasshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , biology
translation: mixed breed, crossbreed
雑種の: zasshuno: cross-bred, hybrid, mongrel, miscellaneous
雑種を作る: zasshuotsukuru: cross one breed with another, cross two breeds, interbreed <<<
雑種犬: zasshuken: mongrel dog <<<
related words: 混血 , ハイブリッド


pronunciation: zassou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant
translation: weeds
雑草の多い: zassounoooi: weedy <<<
雑草を刈る: zassouokaru: weed (v.) <<<
雑草を取る: zassouotoru <<<


pronunciation: zatta
kanji characters: ,
translation: miscellaneousness
雑多な: zattana: miscellaneous, sundry, various, manifold
雑多な品物: zattanashinamono: sundries <<< 品物
雑多な人々: zattanahitobito: all sorts of people <<<
related words: 色々


pronunciation: zattou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: bustle, congestion (of traffic), crowd, throng
雑踏する: zattousuru: be crowded [thronged] (with people), be in a bustle
synonyms: 群衆

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