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Direct access: 図解 , 図鑑 , 頭巾 , 図形 , 杜撰 , 頭上 , 頭痛 , 頭脳 , 図面 , 税関


pronunciation: zukai
kanji characters: ,
translation: illustration, explanatory diagram, figure
図解する: zukaisuru: illustrate [show] (by a picture)
図解入りの: zukaiirino: illustrated <<<
図解辞典: zukaijiten: picture dictionary <<< 辞典


pronunciation: zukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: pictorial [illustrated] dictionary [encyclopedia]


pronunciation: zukin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accessory
translation: hood
頭巾を被る: zukinnokaburu: put on a hood <<<
頭巾を被った: zukinnokabutta: hooded
赤頭巾: akazukin: Little Red Cap (an European fairy tale) <<<
synonyms: フード


pronunciation: zukei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: figure, diagram


pronunciation: zusan
kanji characters:
translation: carelessness
杜撰な: zusannna: careless, slipshod, faulty, defective, poor
杜撰な仕事: zusannnashigoto: badly done work <<< 仕事
synonyms: ルーズ


pronunciation: zujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: upon [over, above] the head, overhead
頭上に: zujouni
頭上に落ちる: zujouniochiru: fall on one's head <<<
頭上を見上げる: zujouomiageru: look overhead


pronunciation: zutsuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: headache
頭痛がする: zutsuugasuru: have a headache
頭痛の種: zutsuunotane: headache (for a person), source of anxiety [annoyance] <<<
頭痛に病む: zutsuuniyamu: worry (about a matter) <<<
頭痛を訴える: zutsuuouttaeru: complain of one's headache <<<
頭痛持ち: zutsuumochi: subject to headaches <<<
頭痛薬: zutsuugusuri: medicine against headache <<<
偏頭痛: henzutsuu: migraine, megrim <<<
偏頭痛がする: henzutsuugasuru: have a migraine


pronunciation: zunou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs , computer
translation: brain, head
頭脳線: zunousen: head line (of the palm) <<<
頭脳労働: zunouroudou: brainwork <<< 労働
頭脳労働者: zunouroudousha: brainworker, mental laborer <<<
頭脳集団: zunoushuudan: think tank [factory] <<< 集団 , シンクタンク
頭脳流出: zunouryuushutsu: brain drain <<< 流出
電子頭脳: denshizunou: electronic brain <<< 電子
人工頭脳: jinkouzunou: artificial intelligence, computer <<< 人工


pronunciation: zumen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: drawing, plan, sketch, map
related words: 地図


pronunciation: zeikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: customhouse, customs
税関吏: zeikanri: customs officer [inspector, official] <<<
税関長: zeikanchou: superintendent of the customs <<<
税関検査: zeikankensa: customs check [control, examination, inspection] <<< 検査
税関手続: zeikantetsuZuki: customs formalities <<< 手続
税関申告: zeikanshinkoku: customs declaration <<< 申告
税関申告書: zeikanshinkokusho: customs declaration (form) <<<
税関事務所: zeikanjimusho: customhouse
税関手数料: zeikantesuuryou: customs fee
related words: 関税

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