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Direct access: 税金 , 税込 , 脆弱 , 贅沢 , 税抜 , 税務 , 税理 , 税理士 , 絶叫 , 絶句


pronunciation: zeikin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , finance
translation: tax, duty, charge
税金込みで: zeikinkomide: tax included <<<
税金滞納: zeikintainou: tax arrearage <<< 滞納
税金申告: zeikinshinkoku: tax return <<< 申告
税金を申告する: zeikinnoshinkokusuru: make one's tax return
related words: 関税 , タックス


pronunciation: zeikomi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: before [plus, including] tax
税込で: zeikomide
related words: 税抜


pronunciation: zeijaku
kanji characters: ,
translation: weakness, fragility
脆弱な: zeijakuna: weak, fragile


pronunciation: zeitaku
kanji characters:
translation: luxury, extravagance, high living
贅沢な: zeitakuna: luxurious, extravagant, sumptuous
贅沢する: zeitakusuru: be extravagant, indulge in luxury
贅沢に暮らす: zeitakunikurasu: lead a luxurious [an extravagant] life, live in luxury [in clover] <<<
贅沢に育つ: zeitakunisodatsu: be brought up in luxury <<<
贅沢に使う: zeitakunitsukau: use extravagantly [lavishly], spend freely, use too much <<< 使
贅沢を言う: zeitakuoiu: ask too much <<<
贅沢品: zeitakuhin: luxury goods, costly article <<<
贅沢者: zeitakusha: man of pleasure <<<
related words: 豪華


pronunciation: zeinuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: tax excluded, after [minus] tax
税抜で: zeinukide
related words: 税込


pronunciation: zeimu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: taxation business
税務署: zeimusho: taxation [revenue] office <<<
税務署員: zeimushoin: tax-office clerk, tax collector, revenue officer <<<
税務官: zeimukan <<<
税務士: zeimushi: tax adviser [advisor, consultant, counsel] <<<
related words: 税金


pronunciation: zeiri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: taxation, tax law
税理士: zeirishi: tax accountant [adviser, consultant] <<<
related words: 税務 , 会計


pronunciation: zeirishi
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: accounting
translation: licensed tax accountant
related words: 計理士


pronunciation: zekkyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: exclamation, ejaculation
絶叫する: zekkyousuru: exclaim, scream, ejaculate, cry out, shout, emphasize (on)


pronunciation: zekku
kanji characters: ,
translation: speechlessness
絶句する: zekkusuru: break in one's speech, find no word to say, dry up, remain speechless

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