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Direct access: 絶世 , 絶対 , 絶体絶命 , 絶頂 , 絶版 , 絶望 , 絶妙 , 絶命 , 絶滅 , 是非


pronunciation: zessei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: peerlessness, matchlessness
絶世の: zesseino: peerless, matchless, unique
絶世の美人: zesseinobijin: woman of peerless beauty, the fairest of the fair <<< 美人


pronunciation: zettai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics , politics
translation: absoluteness
絶対の: zettaino: absolute, unconditioned, unconditional
絶対に: zettaini: absolutely, unconditionally, positively
絶対数: zettaisuu: absolute value <<<
絶対値: zettaichi <<<
絶対善: zettaizen: absolute good <<<
絶対権: zettaiken: absolute right <<<
絶対温度: zettaiondo: absolute temperature <<< 温度
絶対零度: zettaireido: absolute zero
絶対安静: zettaiansei: complete rest
絶対多数: zettaitasuu: absolute majority <<< 多数
絶対主義: zettaishugi: absolutism <<< 主義
絶対主義者: zettaishugisha: absolutist <<<
絶対服従: zettaihukujuu: absolute obedience <<< 服従


pronunciation: zettaizetsumei
kanji characters: , , ,
translation: desperation
絶体絶命の: zettaizetsumeino: in desperation
絶体絶命に成る: zettaizetsumeininaru: be driven to desperation, get oneself into a bad fix, be reduced to the last resource <<<
絶体絶命の状態: zettaizetsumeinojoutai: desperate situation <<< 状態


pronunciation: zetchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: top, summit, height, zenith, acme
絶頂を極める: zetchouokiwameru: climb to the summit, reach the top <<<
絶頂に達する: zetchounitassuru <<<
synonyms: 山頂 , 頂点 , ピーク


pronunciation: zeppan, zetsuban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: out of print edition
絶版の: zetsubannno: out of print
絶版に成る: zetsubannninaru: go out of edition <<<


pronunciation: zetsubou
kanji characters: ,
translation: despair (n.), hopelessness
絶望する: zetsubousuru: despair of, be driven to despair
絶望的: zetsubouteki: hopeless, desperate <<<


pronunciation: zetsumyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: marvel, prodigy
絶妙の: zetsumyouno: most admirable, exquisite, superb, subtle
synonyms: 驚異


pronunciation: zetsumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: death
絶命する: zetsumeisuru: die, expire, breathe one's last
related words: , 絶滅


pronunciation: zetsumetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: extermination, extinction
絶滅する: zetsumetsusuru: exterminate, extinguish, die out
絶滅した: zetsumetsushita: extinct
恐竜絶滅: kyouryuuzetsumetsu: dinosaur extinction <<< 恐竜
related words: 消滅


pronunciation: zehi
kanji characters: ,
translation: right and [or] wrong, propriety (of), without fail, by all means, at any cost
是非を論ぜず: zehioronzezu: whether right or wrong <<<
是非を弁じる: zehiobenjiru: distinguish between right and wrong <<<
是非とも: zehitomo: without fail, by all means, at any cost

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