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category: to learn in school
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 6
translation: bamboo
竹: take
竹の皮: takenokawa: bamboo sheath <<<
竹の子: takenoko: bamboo shoot <<< ,
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 8
translation: branch, bough, twig, sprig, spray
shi, ki
枝: eda
枝が伸びる: edaganobiru: spread [shoot out] trees <<<
枝が広がる: edagahirogaru <<<
枝を払う: edaoharau: cut [lop] off branches, prune [trim] (a tree) <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 8
translation: bud, sprout, shoot, germ
ga, ge
芽: me: bud (n.), sprout, shoot, germ
芽む: megumu: bud (v.), sprout, shoot
芽が出る: megaderu <<<
芽を摘む: meotsumu: gather buds, nip in the bud <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 9
translation: grass, herb, weed
草: kusa
草を刈る: kusaokaru: mow grass <<<
草を取る: kusaotoru: weed <<<
草を食う: kusaokuu: feed on grass, graze <<<
草を食む: kusaohamu <<<
草の生えた: kusanohaeta: grass-grown, grass-covered <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: plant , finance
Number of strokes: 10
translation: foot, stump
株: kabu: foot, stump, stock (jp.), share, asset, monopoly, business, practice, goodwill
株を買う: kabuokau: buy stocks (of), take stock <<<
株を持つ: kabuomotsu: hold shares <<<
株を遣る: kabuoyaru: speculate on the stock exchange [market] <<<
株で儲ける: kabudemoukeru: make money on the stock market <<<
株で損する: kabudesonsuru: lose money on the stock market <<<
株が上がる: kabugaagaru: The shares rise [go up], gain in a person's estimation <<<
株が下がる: kabugasagaru: The shares fall [crumble], lose in a person's estimation <<<
synonyms: ストック

category: to learn in school
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 10
translation: root, source, origin
根: kon: root of mathematics expression (jp.)
根: ne: root (of plant)
根が付く: negatsuku: strike [take] root <<<
根を張る: neoharu: spread [stick] the root <<<
根を絶つ: neotatsu: uproot, disroot, unroot <<<
根も葉も無い: nemohamonai: groundless, ungrounded, false
根に持つ: nenimotsu: bear a grudge against (a person) <<<
根こそぎ: nekosogi: root and all, entirely, thoroughly
根こそぎにする: nekosoginisuru: uproot, pull up (a tree) by the roots
根深い: nebukai: deep-rooted, deep-seated, inveterate, ingrained <<<
根強い: neZuyoi <<<
根掘り葉掘り: nehorihahori: pryingly
根掘り葉掘り尋ねる: nehorihahoritazuneru: cross-question, cross-examine, fire questions (at a person)
根掘り葉掘り問い質す: nehorihahoritoitadasu
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 12
translation: leaf, foliage, blade
you, shou
葉: ha, happa
葉の無い: hanonai: leafless <<<
葉を出す: haodasu: put forth leaves <<<
葉が出る: hagaderu <<<
葉を落す: haootosu: shed its leaves <<<
葉が落ちる: hagaochiru: lose its leaves <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 14
translation: seed, stone, pit, pip, kernel, sort, species
種: tane: seed, stone, pit, pip, kernel, breed, stock, source, cause, origin, quality, kind, subject, topic, secret, trick, material, matter
種無しの: tanenashino: seedless <<<
種の無い: tanenonai <<<
種を蒔く: taneomaku: seed (v.), sow seed <<<
種を明かす: taneoakasu: disclose the secret, reveal the trick <<<
種: tagui: kind (n.), sort, species <<<
種える: ueru: plant (vt.), cultivate <<<

category: common usage
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 6
translation: meek, obedient
boku, haku
朴: hoo: magnolia

category: common usage
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 6
translation: rot, decay
朽ちる: kuchiru: rot, decay, remain in obscurity
朽ちた: kuchita: rotten
朽ち掛けた: kuchikaketa: half-rotten <<<
朽ち果てる: kuchihateru: fall into ruin, rot, decay <<<

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