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Direct access: 第一 , 大王 , 代価 , 大学 , 代休 , 代金 , 大工 , 台形 , 大根 , 醍醐


pronunciation: daiichi
kanji characters: ,
translation: the first
第一の: daiichino: first (a.), initial, principal
第一に: daiichini: first (adv.), firstly, in the first place, for a start
第一党: daiittou: majority (party) <<<
第一義: daiichigi: essential point <<<
第一義的: daiichigiteki: essential <<<
第一印象: daiichiinshou: first impression <<< 印象
第一段階: daiichidankai: first step <<< 段階
related words: 一番


pronunciation: daiou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: great king
大王烏賊: daiouika: giant squid <<< 烏賊


pronunciation: daika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: price, cost, expense
related words: 代金 , 値段


pronunciation: daigaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: university, college
大学校: daigakkou <<<
大学の: daigakuno: university (a.), academic
大学生: daigakusei: university student <<<
大学院: daigakuin: post graduate course <<<
大学町: daigakumachi: university town <<<
大学病院: daigakubyouin: university hospital <<< 病院
大学教授: daigakukyouju: university [college] professor <<< 教授
大学教育: daigakukyouiku: university [college] education <<< 教育
大学紛争: daigakuhunsou: student uprisings <<< 紛争
大学総長: daigakusouchou: rector


pronunciation: daikyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: compensatory day off
代休を取る: daikyuuotoru: take a compensatory day off <<<
代休を与える: daikyuuoataeru: give a compensatory day off <<<


pronunciation: daikin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: cost, price, bill
代金を払う: daikinnoharau: pay the price <<<
代金を取る: daikinnotoru: charge a price <<<
代金引換: daikinhikikae: COD, cash on delivery, collect on delivery <<< 引換
related words: 代価


pronunciation: daiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , construction
translation: carpenter, joiner
大工仕事: daikushigoto: carpentry <<< 仕事
大工道具: daikudougu: carpenter's tools <<< 道具
大工の棟梁: daikunotouryou: master carpenter


pronunciation: daikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: trapezoid (n.), trapezium
台形の: daikeino: trapezoid (a.), trapezoidal


pronunciation: daikon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: vegetable
translation: Japanese [Chinese, white] radish
大根卸し: daikonoroshi: grater, brayed radish <<<
大根足: daikonnashi: stubby legs <<<
大根役者: daikonnyakusha: wretched player <<< 役者
related words: 沢庵 , ラディシュ


pronunciation: daigo
keyword: buddhism
translation: ayran (orig.), best of the best, a district of Kyoto
醍醐味: daigomi: relish, zest, pleasure <<<
醍醐寺: daigoji: Daigo Temple <<<

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