Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 13
translation: harm, hurt, damage, lose
損: son: loss, disadvantage, damage
損する: sonsuru: lose, suffer a loss, be [come off] a loser (by), be at a disadvantage
損な: sonnna: unprofitable, losing, disadvantageous, unfavorable
損なう: sokonau: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil, maim
損じる: sonjiru
損ねる: sokoneru
損る: heru: decrease (vi.), diminish, lessen, run short <<<
Kanji words: 損切 , 損耗 , 損失 , 毀損 , 損害 , 破損 , 損傷 , 含み損
Expressions: 外観を損なう , 威厳を損なう , 評価損 , 機嫌を損じる , 成り損なう , 株で損する , 打ち損なう , 出損なう , 受け損う

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