Japanese display

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: bear, stand, endure, put up with, persevere
nin, jin
忍ぶ: shinobu: bear, stand, endure, put up with, persevere, conceal [avoid] oneself (jp.)
忍ばせる: shinobaseru: conceal
忍び: shinobi: ninja (jp.) <<< 忍者
忍び足で: shinobiashide: stealthily, with stealthy steps, on tiptoe <<<
忍び難い: shinobigatai: unbearable, insufferable, intolerable <<<
忍び無い: shinobinai <<<
忍び込む: shinobikomu: steal [slip] in [into] <<<
忍び入る: shinobiiru <<<
忍び出る: shinobideru: steal [sneak] out <<<
忍び寄る: shinobiyoru: steal near [up, to], draw near unnoticed <<<
忍び泣く: shinobinaku: sob <<<
忍び笑う: shinobiwarau: titter, giggle, laugh in one's sleeve <<<
忍: oshi: pers.
Kanji words: 堪忍 , 忍者 , 忍耐 , 忍法 , 忍術
Expressions: 不便を忍ぶ , 足音を忍ばせて , 恥を忍ぶ , 恥を忍んで

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