Japanese display


pronunciation: sentaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: selection, choice
選択する: sentakusuru: select, choose
選択に迷う: sentakunimayou: be at a loss which to choose, find it difficult to choose <<<
選択に苦しむ: sentakunikurushimu <<<
選択を誤る: sentakuoayamaru: make a bad choice <<<
選択技: sentakushi: choices (on a test) <<<
選択権: sentakuken: freedom of choice <<<
選択の自由: sentakunojiyuu <<< 自由
選択科目: sentakukamoku: elective [optional] subject <<< 科目
選択問題: sentakumondai: multiple-choice test <<< 問題
ソフィーの選択: sofiinosentaku: Sophie's Choice (an American film) <<< ソフィー
related words: 選定 , 必修

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