Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 9
translation: polish, rub, brush, burnish, improve, perfection, grind, whet, sharpen, hone, strop
研く: migaku: polish, rub, brush (up), burnish, improve (one's ability), perfection, cultivate, train, practice <<<
研ぐ: togu: grind, whet, sharpen, hone, strop, polish
研ぎ澄ます: togisumasu: whet [sharpen] well <<<
Kanji words: 研修 , 研磨 , 研究
Expressions: 剃刀を研ぐ , 刀を研ぐ , 米を研ぐ , 爪を研ぐ

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