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category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: construction , unit nb of strokes: 9 translation: step, stair, rung, grade, rank, position, manner dan, tan 段: tan: unit of distance (ca. 10.9 m, jp.), unit of surface (ca. 997.7 m2, jp.) <<< 反 段: dan: dan (grade of partial art) Kanji words: 石段 , 階段 , 格段 , 手段 , 段階 , 段差 , 段々 , 段落 , 値段 , 普段 , 有段 Expressions: 梯子段 , 段ボール 泉
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() ![]() keyword: nature nb of strokes: 9 translation: fountain, money (bor.) sen 泉: izumi: fountain 泉: zeni: money Kanji words: 温泉 , 源泉 , 鉱泉 , 黄泉 Expressions: 硫黄泉 活
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: life nb of strokes: 9 translation: live, revive, animated katsu 活を入れる: katsuoireru: infuse life into (a person), revive, invigorate <<< 入 活きる: ikiru: live 活る: yomigaeru: come to life again, return to life, rise from the dead, revive Kanji words: 独活 , 活気 , 活性 , 活発 , 活字 , 活動 , 活躍 , 活用 , 活力 , 婚活 , 就活 , 生活 , 復活 Expressions: 活火山 浅
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: sea nb of strokes: 9 translation: shallow, early, young, short, brief, slight, light, pale sen 浅い: asai: shallow, early, young, short, brief, slight, light, pale 浅い皿: asaisara: shallow dish <<< 皿 浅い眠り: asainemuri: light sleep <<< 眠 Kanji words: 浅草 , 浅瀬 , 浅葱 , 浅蜊 Expressions: 読みが浅い , 喫水の浅い , 交際が浅い , 睡眠が浅い antonyms: 深
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: sea nb of strokes: 9 translation: ocean, foreign country (ext.) you, shou 洋: nada: open sea Kanji words: 遠洋 , 海洋 , 巡洋艦 , 西洋 , 大西洋 , 太平洋 , 大洋 , 東洋 , 洋画 , 洋楽 , 洋裁 , 洋式 , 洋食 , 洋梨 , 洋風 , 洋服 Expressions: 洋菓子 , 洋辛子 , 北極洋 , インド洋 皇
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() ![]() keyword: history nb of strokes: 9 translation: king, prince, lord, god, emperor kou, ou 皇: kimi: king, prince, lord 皇: kami: god Kanji words: 教皇 , 皇居 , 皇后 , 皇室 , 皇族 , 皇太子 , 皇帝 , 天皇 紅
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: color nb of strokes: 9 translation: red, crimson, scarlet kou, ku, gu 紅: beni 紅: kurenai: deep red, crimson (n.), scarlet 紅: kurenaino: crimson (a.), scarlet 紅の豚: kurenainobuta: Porco Rosso (a Japanese anime directed by Hayao Miyazaki, 1992) <<< 豚 紅い: akai: red Kanji words: 口紅 , 紅海 , 紅茶 , 紅白 , 紅葉 , 深紅 , 紅色 Expressions: 紅生姜 synonyms: 緋 派
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: politics , religion nb of strokes: 9 translation: branch, split, fork, sect, school, party, faction, clique ha, hai 派れる: wakareru: branch off (from), split (into), fork Kanji words: 宗派 , 鷹派 , 派遣 , 派生 , 派手 , 鳩派 , 派閥 , 立派 Expressions: 悪魔派 , 印象派 , 王党派 , 改革派 , 革新派 , 過激派 , 感覚派 , 強硬派 , 主流派 , 少数派 , 象徴派 , 進歩派 , 戦後派 , 戦前派 , 前衛派 , 抽象派 , 表現派 , 分離派 , 未来派 , 野獣派 , 理想派 , 立体派 柱
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: construction nb of strokes: 9 translation: pillar, column, support, maintain, sustain chuu 柱: hashira: pillar, column, unit to count gods (jp.) 柱を立てる: hashiraotateru: put [set] up a pillar <<< 立 柱える: sasaeru: support, hold out, maintain, sustain Kanji words: 霜柱 , 氷柱 Expressions: 水銀柱 胸
category: to learn in schoolradical: ![]() keyword: body nb of strokes: 9 translation: breast, chest, bust kyou 胸: mune: breast, chest, bust, bosom, heart, mind 胸を張る: muneoharu: throw out one's chest <<< 張 胸に抱く: munenidaku: press against his [her] chest <<< 抱 胸が焼ける: munegayakeru: have a heartburn, nauseate <<< 焼 胸が悪く成る: munegawarukunaru: feel sick (at the stomach) 胸が空く: munegasuku: feel refreshed [satisfied] <<< 空 胸を痛める: muneoitameru: trouble [worry] oneself (about), grieve [feel grief] (at, for, about) <<< 痛 胸に秘める: munenihimeru: keep (a matter) to oneself <<< 秘 胸を打つ: muneoutsu: move, touch, impress <<< 打 胸を打たれる: muneoutareru: be moved, be touched, be impressed <<< 打 Kanji words: 胸囲 , 度胸 , 胸焼 synonyms: バスト check also: 心 | |
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