Online Japanese lexicon of foreign words: ブータン,ブーツ,ブザー,ビュッフェ,ビューア

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Direct access: ブータン , ブーツ , ブザー , ビュッフェ , ビューア


pronunciation: buutan
origin: Bhutan (eg.)
keyword: asia
translation: Bhutan
ブータンの: buutannno: Bhutanese (a.)
ブータン人: buutanjin: Bhutanese (people) <<<


pronunciation: buutsu
origin: boots (eg.)
keyword: footwear
translation: boots
ハーフブーツ: haahubuutsu: half-boots <<< ハーフ
check also: 長靴


pronunciation: buzaa
origin: buzzer (eg.)
keyword: house
translation: buzzer
ブザーが鳴る: buzaaganaru: There goes the buzzer <<<
ブザーを鳴らす: buzaaonarasu: press the buzzer
check also: ベル , チャイム


pronunciation: byufe
origin: buffet (fr.)
keyword: food
translation: buffet


pronunciation: byuua
origin: viewer (eg.)
keyword: optics
translation: viewer
The displayed words on this page are 431 - 435 among 2899.

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Pocket Electronic Dictionary
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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27