This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by
Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters.
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不便pronunciation: hubenkanji characters: 不 , 便 translation: inconvenience 不便な: hubennna: inconvenient 不便を感じる: hubennokanjiru: suffer inconvenience <<< 感 不便な思いをする: hubennnaomoiosuru <<< 思 不便を忍ぶ: hubennoshinobu: put up with inconvenience <<< 忍 不便を掛ける: hubennokakeru: give [cause] (a person) inconvenience <<< 掛 check also: 便利 父母pronunciation: hubokanji characters: 父 , 母 keyword: family translation: father and mother, one's parents 父母の愛: hubonoai: parental affection [love] <<< 愛 父母会: hubokai: association of parents of students <<< 会 祖父母: sohubo: grandparents <<< 祖 synonyms: 両親 吹雪pronunciation: hubukikanji characters: 吹 , 雪 keyword: weather translation: snowstorm, blizzard 紙吹雪: kamihubuki: confetti <<< 紙 付着pronunciation: huchakukanji characters: 付 , 着 keyword: physics translation: adhesion, attachment, adherence 付着する: huchakusuru: adhere [stick] to 付着力: huchakuryoku: adhesiveness <<< 力 付着力が有る: huchakuryokugaaru: adhesive <<< 有
不調pronunciation: huchoukanji characters: 不 , 調 translation: bad condition, slump 不調な: huchouna: in a bad condition 不調に終る: huchouniowaru: come to nothing, fail through <<< 終 check also: スランプ 普段pronunciation: hudankanji characters: 普 , 段 other spells: 不断 keyword: life translation: usually, habitually, customarily 普段の: hudannno: usual, ordinary, habitual, customary, everyday 普段からする: hudankarasuru: be in the habit of doing 普段の通り: hudannnotoori: as usual, in the usual way <<< 通 普段の様に: hudannnoyouni <<< 様 普段より早く: hudannyorihayaku: earlier than usual <<< 早 普段着: hudangi: everyday [weekday] clothes <<< 着 不動pronunciation: hudoukanji characters: 不 , 動 keyword: mechanics translation: immovableness, motionlessness 不動の: hudouno: immovable, motionless, steadfast 不動の姿勢: hudounoshisei: position at attention <<< 姿勢 不動の姿勢を取る: hudounoshiseiotoru: stand at attention <<< 取 不動明王: hudoumyouou: Acala, god of fire 成田不動: naritahudou: Narita [Naritasan] Temple <<< 成田 不動産pronunciation: hudousankanji characters: 不 , 動 , 産 keyword: realty translation: immovable property, real estate 不動産の: hudousannno: property (a.) 不動産業: hudousangyou: real estate agency <<< 業 不動産税: hudousanzei: real estate tax <<< 税 不動産屋: hudousannya: real estate agent, realtor <<< 屋 不動産業者: hudousangyousha <<< 業者 不動産所得: hudousanshotoku: income from immovables <<< 所得 不義pronunciation: hugikanji characters: 不 , 義 keyword: crime translation: immorality, injustice, adultery 不義を働く: hugiohataraku: commit adultery <<< 働 不義を犯す: hugiookasu <<< 犯 不義の: hugino: immoral, sinful 不義の子: huginoko: child born out of wedlock <<< 子 synonyms: 密通 , 姦通 富豪pronunciation: hugoukanji characters: 富 , 豪 keyword: society translation: wealthy man, millionaire, billionaire 大富豪: daihugou: mogul, multimillionaire <<< 大 check also: 長者 , 成金 | |
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