Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 十字,充実,獣姦,充血,重婚,住居,十九,十万,住民,柔軟

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Direct access: 十字 , 充実 , 獣姦 , 充血 , 重婚 , 住居 , 十九 , 十万 , 住民 , 柔軟


pronunciation: juuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: shape
translation: cross
十字に: juujini: across, crosswise
十字を切る: juujiokiru: cross oneself <<<
十字形: juujikei: cross-shaped, cruciform <<<
十字路: juujiro: crossroad <<<
十字架: juujika: crucifix, cross <<<
十字架に架ける: juujikanikakeru: put (a person) on the cross, crucify <<<
十字架を背負う: juujikaoseou: bear [carry] one's cross
十字架像: juujikazou: crucifix <<<
十字軍: juujigun: crusade <<<
十字砲火: juujihouka: cross fire <<< 砲火
赤十字: sekijuuji: Red Cross <<<
鉤十字: kagijuuji: swastika, Hakenkreuz <<<
南十字星: minamijuujisei: Southern Cross, Crux


pronunciation: juujitsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: fullness, completeness
充実する: juujitsusuru: fill up, enrich (vi.), perfect
充実させる: juujitsusaseru: enrich (vt.), reinforce
充実した: juujitsushita: full, complete, solid, satisfied
充実した生活を送る: juujitsushitaseikatsuookuru: live a full life
充実感: juujitsukan: satisfaction, complacency <<<
synonyms: 満足 , 増強


pronunciation: juukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sex
translation: bestiality, zoophilia
synonyms: ソドミー


pronunciation: juuketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: congestion, hyperemia
充血する: juuketsusuru: be congested [bloodshot]
充血させる: juuketsusaseru: congest
充血した: juuketsushita: congested, bloodshot
充血した目: juuketsushitame: bloodshot eyes <<<
充血し易い: juuketsushiyasui: congestive <<<


pronunciation: juukon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bigamy
重婚する: juukonsuru: commit bigamy
重婚者: juukonsha: bigamist <<<


pronunciation: juukyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: dwelling (house), residence, abode
住居の: juukyono: domiciliary, house (a.)
住居を定める: juukyoosadameru: take up one's abode <<<
住居人: juukyojin: occupant (of a house), resident <<<
住居費: juukyohi: housing expenses <<<
住居手当: juukyoteate: housing allowance <<< 手当
住居侵入: juukyoshinnnyuu: trespassing <<< 侵入
住居面積: juukyomenseki: living space <<< 面積
check also: 居住


pronunciation: juukyuu , juuku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 19
keyword: number
translation: nineteen
十九番: juukyuuban: nineteenth <<<
第十九: daijuukyuu <<<


pronunciation: juuman
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 100000
keyword: number
translation: one hundred thousand
十万番: juumanban: the hundred thousandth <<<
第十万: daijuuman <<<


pronunciation: juumin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: resident, inhabitant
住民税: juuminzei: inhabitants' tax <<<
住民票: juuminhyou: resident card <<<
住民登録: juumintouroku: resident registration <<< 登録
住民投票: juumintouhyou: referendum <<< 投票
住民運動: juuminnundou: citizens' initiative, action group <<< 運動
先住民: senjuumin: aborigine, autochthon, native <<<
synonyms: 住人


pronunciation: juunan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: softness
柔軟な: juunannna: soft, pliable, flexible, limber, supple
柔軟さ: juunansa: pliability, flexibility, suppleness
柔軟性: juunansei <<<
柔軟路線: juunanrosen: soft line <<< 路線
柔軟体操: juunantaisou: light gymnastics, calisthenics <<< 体操

The displayed words on this page are 2540 - 2549 among 7921.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27