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十三pronunciation: juusankanji characters: 十 , 三 other spells: 13 keyword: number translation: thirteen 十三番: juusanban: the thirteenth <<< 番 第十三: daijuusan <<< 第 十三日: juusannnichi: the thirteenth day (of month) <<< 日 十三日の金曜日: juusannnichinokinnyoubi: Friday that falls on the thirteenth day, Friday the thirteenth, Black Friday 従者pronunciation: juushakanji characters: 従 , 者 keyword: history , job translation: servant, attendant, valet, follower, suite synonyms: 家来 銃士pronunciation: juushikanji characters: 銃 , 士 keyword: history , war translation: musketeer 三銃士: sanjuushi: three musketeers <<< 三 十七pronunciation: juushichikanji characters: 十 , 七 other spells: 17 keyword: number translation: seventeen 十七番: juushichiban: the seventeenth <<< 番 第十七: daijuushichi <<< 第
重心pronunciation: juushinkanji characters: 重 , 心 keyword: physics translation: center of gravity, barycenter 重心を保つ: juushinnotamotsu: maintain equilibrium, balance oneself <<< 保 重心を失う: juushinnoushinau: lose one's balance <<< 失 check also: 重力 住所pronunciation: juushokanji characters: 住 , 所 keyword: town translation: one's dwelling [place], one's address 住所を定める: juushoosadameru: take up one's residence, fix one's abode <<< 定 住所を偽る: juushooitsuwaru: give a false address <<< 偽 住所録: juushoroku: address book [directory] <<< 録 住所不定: juushohutei: have no fixed abode 住所姓名: juushoseimei: one's name and address <<< 姓名 住所不明: juushohumei: address unknown <<< 不明 住所変更: juushohenkou: change of address <<< 変更 住所変更届: juushohenkoutodoke: report on one's removal, notify a change in address <<< 届 現住所: genjuusho: present address <<< 現 表記の住所: hyoukinojuusho: address mentioned on the outside <<< 表記 check also: 番地 , アドレス 住職pronunciation: juushokukanji characters: 住 , 職 keyword: buddhism translation: chief priest (of a Buddhism temple) check also: 僧 , 坊主 重傷pronunciation: juushoukanji characters: 重 , 傷 keyword: disaster translation: serious injury 重傷する: juushousuru: seriously injured 重傷を負う: juushouoou <<< 負 重傷を負わせる: juushouoowaseru: inflict a serious wound (on a person) 重傷者: juushousha: severely wounded (person) <<< 者 瀕死の重傷: hinshinojuushou: fatal [mortal] injury <<< 瀕死 check also: 重症 重症pronunciation: juushoukanji characters: 重 , 症 keyword: disease translation: serious [dangerous] illness 重症である: juushoudearu: be seriously [dangerously] ill 重症患者: juushoukanja: serious case <<< 患者 synonyms: 重体 check also: 重傷 重曹pronunciation: juusoukanji characters: 重 , 曹 keyword: chemistry translation: sodium bicarbonate, baking soda check also: ナトリウム | |
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