Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 去勢,挙式,巨匠,虚数,拠点,競売,喬木,凶暴,夾竹桃,強調

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Direct access: 去勢 , 挙式 , 巨匠 , 虚数 , 拠点 , 競売 , 喬木 , 凶暴 , 夾竹桃 , 強調


pronunciation: kyosei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: castration, emasculation
去勢する: kyoseisuru: castrate, emasculate, geld, enervate, deprive of vigor
去勢馬: kyoseiuma: gelding <<<
去勢牛: kyoseiushi: bullock <<<
去勢鶏: kyoseidori: capon <<<
去勢羊: kyoseihitsuji: wether <<<


pronunciation: kyoshiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest
translation: ceremony, (wedding) celebration
挙式する: kyoshikisuru: hold a ceremony, give a (wedding) celebration
check also: 儀式


pronunciation: kyoshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: great master, virtuoso
synonyms: マエストロ


pronunciation: kyosuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: imaginary number


pronunciation: kyoten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: stronghold, strong point, base
物流拠点: butsuryuukyoten: logistics center <<< 物流
軍事拠点: gunjikyoten: strategic point <<< 軍事


pronunciation: kyoubai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , internet
translation: auction (n.), public sale
競売する: kyoubaisuru: auction (v.)
競売に掛ける: kyoubainikakeru: put up for auction <<<
競売に付する: kyoubainihusuru <<<
競売人: kyoubainin: auctioneer <<<
競売場: kyoubaijou: auction room <<<
競売価格: kyoubaikakaku: auction price <<< 価格
競売公告: kyoubaikoukoku: auction notice
synonyms: オークション
check also: 落札


pronunciation: kyouboku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tree
translation: tall [high] tree
antonyms: 潅木


pronunciation: kyoubou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 狂暴
keyword: crime
translation: fury, tear, violence, ferocity, brutality
凶暴な: kyoubouna: violent, ferocious, atrocious, brutal, berserk
凶暴に: kyoubouni: violently, ferociously, atrociously, brutally
凶暴性: kyoubousei: brutality, atrocity <<<
凶暴性を発揮する: kyoubouseiohakkisuru: give vent to one's brutality <<< 発揮


pronunciation: kyouchikutou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: キョウチクトウ
keyword: flower
translation: sweet oleander


pronunciation: kyouchou
kanji characters: , 調
translation: insistence, emphasis
強調する: kyouchousuru: insist, stress, emphasize
強調して: kyouchoushite: emphatically

The displayed words on this page are 4091 - 4100 among 7921.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27