Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 球根,求婚,急行,窮屈,究極,旧教,救急,究明,救命,吸入

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Direct access: 球根 , 求婚 , 急行 , 窮屈 , 究極 , 旧教 , 救急 , 究明 , 救命 , 吸入


pronunciation: kyuukon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower
translation: bulb
球根植物: kyuukonshokubutsu: bulbous plant <<< 植物
百合の球根: yurinokyuukon: lily bulb <<< 百合


pronunciation: kyuukon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love
translation: proposal [offer] of marriage, courtship
求婚する: kyuukonsuru: propose (to), court, woo
求婚者: kyuukonsha: suitor, wooer <<<
check also: 求愛


pronunciation: kyuukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: express (train)
急行する: kyuukousuru: hasten
急行させる: kyuukousaseru: send at once
急行券: kyuukouken: express ticket <<<
急行便: kyuukoubin: express freight <<< 便
急行料: kyuukouryou: express charges <<<
急行料金: kyuukouryoukin <<< 料金
急行列車: kyuukouressha: express train <<< 列車
急行バス: kyuukoubasu: express bus <<< バス
富士急行: hujikyuukou: Fujikyu (a passenger transportation company around Mt. Fuji) <<< 富士
普通急行: hutsuukyuukou: ordinary express <<< 普通
check also: 快速 , 特急


pronunciation: kyuukutsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: narrowness, constraint, stiffness, rigidity
窮屈な: kyuukutsuna: narrow, close, constrained, uncomfortable, stiff, rigid, strict
check also:


pronunciation: kyuukyoku
kanji characters: ,
translation: ultima, best of the best
究極の: kyuukyokuno: ultimate, supreme
究極の所: kyuukyokunotokoro: in the end, after all, finally <<<
究極に於いて: kyuukokunioite <<<


pronunciation: kyuukyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: Catholicism
旧教徒: kyuukyouto: Catholic <<<
synonyms: カトリック
antonyms: 新教


pronunciation: kyuukyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: emergency
救急法: kyuukyuuhou: first aid <<<
救急車: kyuukyuusha: ambulance <<<
救急箱: kyuukyuubako: first-aid kit <<<
救急所: kyuukyuujo: first-aid post <<<
救急病院: kyuukyuubyouin: emergency hospital <<< 病院
救急患者: kyuukyuukanja: emergency patient <<< 患者


pronunciation: kyuumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science
translation: study (n.), investigation
究明する: kyuumeisuru: study (v.), investigate, inquire into (the cause of)
check also: 研究


pronunciation: kyuumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: life-saving
救命の: kyuumeino: lifesaving
救命具: kyuumeigu: lifesaver, life-preserver, floater, lifesaving equipment <<<
救命用具: kyuumeiyougu <<< 用具
救命帯: kyuumeitai: life jacket <<<
救命胴衣: kyuumeidoui
救命艇: kyuumeitei: lifeboat, dinghy <<<
救命ボート: kyuumeibooto <<< ボート
救命筏: kyuumeiikada: life raft <<<
救命ブイ: kyuumeibui: lifebuoy <<< ブイ


pronunciation: kyuunyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: inhalation
吸入する: kyuunyuusuru: inhale, breath in
吸入器: kyuunyuuki: inhaler <<<
吸入弁: kyuunyuuben: inlet valve <<<
酸素吸入: sansokyuunyuu: oxygen inhalation <<< 酸素

The displayed words on this page are 4201 - 4210 among 7921.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27