This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by
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無言pronunciation: mugonkanji characters: 無 , 言 keyword: show translation: silence, muteness, dumbness, speechlessness, wordlessness 無言の: mugonnno: silent, mute, dumb, tacit, speechless, wordless 無言の行: mugonnnogyou: ascetic practice of silence <<< 行 無言で: mugonde: silently, in silence, without speaking 無言劇: mugongeki: pantomime, dumb show <<< 劇 無言歌: mugonka: songs without words <<< 歌 謀叛pronunciation: muhonkanji characters: 謀 keyword: politics translation: rebellion, revolt, insurrection, treason 謀叛を企てる: muhonnokuwadateru: plot a rebellion <<< 企 謀叛を起こす: muhonnookosu: rebel [revolt, conspire] (against), rise in revolt (against) <<< 起 謀叛をする: muhonnosuru 謀叛人: muhonnnin: rebel, traitor, conspirator <<< 人 synonyms: 陰謀 無法pronunciation: muhoukanji characters: 無 , 法 keyword: law , crime translation: unlawfulness 無法な: muhouna: unlawful, lawless, outrageous 無法者: muhoumono: outrageous fellow, outlaw <<< 者 無地pronunciation: mujikanji characters: 無 , 地 keyword: fabric translation: plainness 無地の: mujino: plain (a.), unfigured 無地の布地: mujinonunoji: plain fabric <<< 布地 無地の生地: mujinokiji <<< 生地
無人pronunciation: mujinkanji characters: 無 , 人 keyword: transport , war translation: unmanned (system), uninhabited (area) 無人の: mujinnno: unmanned, uninhabited 無人島: mujintou: uninhabited (desert) island <<< 島 無人地帯: mujinchitai: uninhabited region, no man's land <<< 地帯 無人踏切: mujunhumikiri: unattended (railroad) crossing <<< 踏切 無人電車: mujindensha: unmanned train <<< 電車 無人飛行: mujinhikou: unmanned flight <<< 飛行 無人飛行機: mujinhikouki: pilotless plane <<< 機 無人偵察機: mujinteisatsuki: unmanned surveillance aircraft, UAV check also: 有人 無実pronunciation: mujitsukanji characters: 無 , 実 keyword: justice translation: innocence 無実の: mujitsuno: innocent 無実の罪: mujitsunotsumi: false accusation <<< 罪 , 無罪 無常pronunciation: mujoukanji characters: 無 , 常 keyword: religion translation: mutability, uncertainty 無常の: mujouno: mutable, uncertain 無情pronunciation: mujoukanji characters: 無 , 情 translation: deadheartedness, heartlessness, cruelty, inhumanity 無情な: mujouna: coldhearted, heartless, cruel, inhuman 噫無情: aamujou: Les Misérables (novel of Victor Hugo, 1862) synonyms: 薄情 矛盾pronunciation: mujunkanji characters: 矛 , 盾 keyword: science translation: inconsistency, discrepancy, contradiction 矛盾する: mujunsuru: be inconsistent [incompatible] (with), be contradictory (to), conflict (with), be at variance (with) 矛盾した: mujunshita: inconsistent, contradictory, conflicting 矛盾律: mujunritsu: law of contradiction <<< 律 check also: 逆説 百足pronunciation: mukadekanji characters: 百 , 足 other spells: ムカデ keyword: insect translation: centipede | |
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