This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by
Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters.
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疎外pronunciation: sogaikanji characters: 疎 , 外 translation: alienation 疎外する: sogaisuru: alienate, keep at a distance 狙撃pronunciation: sogekikanji characters: 狙 , 撃 keyword: war , crime translation: snipe (n.) 狙撃する: sogekisuru: snipe (v.) 狙撃兵: sogekihei: sniper <<< 兵 狙撃手: sogekishu <<< 手 齟齬pronunciation: sogotranslation: discrepancy, inconsistency, contradiction, failure, miscarriage 齟齬する: sogosuru: be contrary to (the fact), disagree (with), go wrong, fall through, miscarry 齟齬を来たす: sogookitasu: prove contrary to one's expectations, go wrong <<< 来 粗品pronunciation: sohin , soshinakanji characters: 粗 , 品 keyword: greeting translation: small gift
祖父pronunciation: sohu , ojikanji characters: 祖 , 父 keyword: family translation: grandfather 御祖父さん: ojiisan: grandpa, grandad, granddad, granda <<< 御 御祖父ちゃん: ojiichan 曽祖父: sousohu: great grandfather 曾祖父: sousohu <<< 曾 check also: 祖母 即決pronunciation: sokketsukanji characters: 即 , 決 keyword: administration translation: prompt [immediate] decision 即決で: sokketsude: without debate, on the spot 即決する: sokketsusuru: decide promptly [on the spot] 即決裁判: sokketsusaiban: summary trial [decision] <<< 裁判 側近pronunciation: sokkinkanji characters: 側 , 近 keyword: job translation: one's close aides, close attendants, chamberlain 側近者: sokkinsha <<< 者 check also: 侍従 其所pronunciation: sokokanji characters: 其 , 所 other spells: 其処 keyword: position translation: there, that place 其所の: sokono: there, in that place, over there 其所に: sokoni 其所へ: sokoe: there, to that place, thither, and then 其所で: sokode: then, thereupon, now, accordingly 其所ら: sokora: thereabouts, about there, more or less 其所ら中: sokorajuu: all over (the place) <<< 中 其所から: sokokara: from there, thence 其所まで: sokomade: so far, that far 其所此所に: sokokokoni: here and there <<< 此所 check also: 彼所 祖国pronunciation: sokokukanji characters: 祖 , 国 keyword: geography translation: one's fatherland, one's motherland, one's (mother) country 祖国愛: sokokuai: love for one's country, patriotism <<< 愛 , 愛国 check also: 母国 遡行pronunciation: sokoukanji characters: 遡 , 行 keyword: travel translation: upstream going 遡行する: sokousuru: go upstream, go up a river | |
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