Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: 水田,水道,水泳,水月,水銀,水牛,水平,水泡,水疱,水位

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Direct access: 水田 , 水道 , 水泳 , 水月 , 水銀 , 水牛 , 水平 , 水泡 , 水疱 , 水位


pronunciation: suiden
kanji characters: ,
keyword: farming
translation: rice-field, paddy field
水田地帯: suidenchitai: rice-growing region <<< 地帯


pronunciation: suidou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , town , geography
translation: water supply, water service, waterworks, (sea) channel
水道の水: suidounomizu: city water, tap-water <<<
水道を引く: suidouohiku: have water (pipes) laid, have water supplied, lay on water <<<
水道管: suidoukan: water pipe <<<
水道栓: suidousen: hydrant, house tap <<<
水道局: suidoukyoku: waterworks bureau <<<
水道料: suidouryou: water rates [charges] <<<
水道料金: suidouryoukin <<< 料金
水道工事: suidoukouji: water supply works, laying on water <<< 工事
水道設備: suidousetsubi: water conveyance <<< 設備
水道会社: suidougaisha: water (service) company <<< 会社
check also: 海峡 , 下水


pronunciation: suiei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: swimming
translation: swimming, bathing
水泳する: suieisuru: swim, bathe
水泳に行く: suieiniiku: go swimming <<<
水泳着: suieigi: swimming suit <<<
水泳帽: suieibou: swimming cap <<<
水泳場: suieijou: swimming pool (place), bathing beach <<<
水泳競技: suieikyougi: swimming competition <<< 競技
水泳大会: suieitaikai: swimming meet <<< 大会
水泳選手: suieisenshu: swimmer <<< 選手
水泳教室: suieikyoushitsu: swimming class <<< 教室
水泳パンツ: suieipantsu: bathing trunks <<< パンツ
check also: 水浴


pronunciation: suigetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: moon reflection on water, imaginary phenomenon


pronunciation: suigin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: mercury
水銀の: suiginnno: mercurial
水銀を含む: suiginnohukumu: containing mercury <<<
水銀柱: suiginchuu: mercurial column <<<
水銀灯: suigintou: mercurial [mercury] vapor lamp <<<
水銀中毒: suiginchuudoku: mercury poisoning <<< 中毒
水銀軟膏: suiginnnankou: mercurial ointment <<< 軟膏
水銀蒸気: suiginjouki: mercury vapor <<< 蒸気
水銀寒暖計: suiginkandankei: mercurial thermometer
水銀気圧計: suiginkiatsukei: mercurial barometer


pronunciation: suigyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: water buffalo


pronunciation: suihei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: airplane , nature
translation: level (n.), horizontality, horizontalness
水平の: suiheino: horizontal, level (a.)
水平に: suiheini: horizontally, at a level
水平面: suiheimen: horizontal plane <<<
水平舵: suiheida: tail fin <<<
水平線: suiheisen: horizon, horizontal line, sea line <<<
水平思考: suiheishikou: lateral thinking <<< 思考
水平飛行: suiheihikou: level flight <<< 飛行
水平運動: suiheiundou: horizontal movement, leveling movement <<< 運動
水平尾翼: suiheibiyoku: tail plane
水平爆撃: suiheibakugeki: horizontal bombing <<< 爆撃
check also: 垂直


pronunciation: suihou
kanji characters: ,
translation: bubble, foam
水泡に帰する: suihounikisuru: come to naught [nothing], burst like a bubble, prove a failure <<<


pronunciation: suihou
kanji characters:
keyword: disease
translation: water blister
水疱疹: suihoushin <<<
check also: 疱疹


pronunciation: suii
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: water level
水位が上がる: suiigaagaru: Water level goes up <<<
水位が下がる: suiigasagaru: Water level goes down <<<
水位計: suiikei: watermark <<<
警戒水位: keikaisuii: flood level <<< 警戒

The displayed words on this page are 6697 - 6706 among 7921.

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Last update: 26/04/18 10:27