This online Japanese dictionary has been developed by
Free Light Software and contains Japanese words, composed of 2 or more Kanji characters.
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浴衣pronunciation: yukatakanji characters: 浴 , 衣 keyword: clothes translation: yukata, light kimono (of summer) check also: 着物 輸血pronunciation: yuketsukanji characters: 輸 , 血 keyword: medicine translation: blood transfusion 輸血する: yuketsusuru: transfuse blood, give a blood transfusion check also: 献血 雪豹pronunciation: yukihyoukanji characters: 雪 , 豹 other spells: ユキヒョウ, 雪彪 keyword: animal translation: snow leopard 雪掻きpronunciation: yukikakikanji characters: 雪 , 掻 keyword: weather translation: show shoveling, snow shovel 雪掻きをする: yukikakiosuru: clear of snow, remove [sweep, shovel away] the snow 雪掻き車: yukikakiguruma, yukikakisha: (Russel, rotary) snowplow <<< 車 check also: 除雪
雪見pronunciation: yukimikanji characters: 雪 , 見 keyword: travel translation: snow viewing 雪見をする: yukimiosuru: enjoy snow-clad scenery 雪男pronunciation: yukiotokokanji characters: 雪 , 男 keyword: fantasy translation: abominable snowman, yeti 雪兎pronunciation: yukiusagikanji characters: 雪 , 兎 other spells: ユキウサギ keyword: animal translation: mountain [Alpine, white] hare synonyms: 白兎 雪山pronunciation: yukiyamakanji characters: 雪 , 山 keyword: nature translation: snow-covered mountains 大雪山: daisetsusan: Mount Daisetsu (in Hokkaido) <<< 大 , 北海道 大雪山脈: daisetsusanmyaku: Daxue Mountains (in China) <<< 山脈 , 中国 行方pronunciation: yukuekanji characters: 行 , 方 keyword: position translation: whereabouts 行方を追う: yukueoou: trace, search for (a person) <<< 追 行方を捜す: yukueosagasu <<< 捜 行方を暗ます: yukueokuramasu: disappear, cover one's traces, conceal oneself <<< 暗 行方不明: yukuehumei: lost <<< 不明 行方不明者: yukuehumeisha: missing person <<< 者 synonyms: 居所 油膜pronunciation: yumakukanji characters: 油 , 膜 keyword: environment translation: oil slick | |
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