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有名pronunciation: yuumeikanji characters: 有 , 名 keyword: media translation: fame, celebrity, notoriety 有名な: yuumeina: famous, noted, well-known, celebrated, renowned, illustrious, notorious 有名に成る: yuumeininaru: become famous, win [acquire, come to] fame, leap into fame, gain notoriety <<< 成 有名人: yuumeijin: celebrity, big-name (person) <<< 人 , セレブ 有名税: yuumeizei: penalty of greatness <<< 税 有名校: yuumeikou: famous school <<< 校 synonyms: 著名 antonyms: 無名 有能pronunciation: yuunoukanji characters: 有 , 能 keyword: job translation: ability, competence, talent 有能な: yuunouna: able, competent, talented, savvy 有能な士: yuunounashi: man of ability [parts], able man <<< 士 check also: 堪能 遊覧pronunciation: yuurankanji characters: 遊 , 覧 keyword: travel translation: sight-seeing, excursion, pleasure trip, sight-seeing tour 遊覧する: yuuransuru: go sight-seeing, do [see] the sights (of) 遊覧客: yuurankyaku: sightseer, holiday-maker, visitor, tourist <<< 客 遊覧船: yuuransen: pleasure boat <<< 船 遊覧地: yuuranchi: tourist resort <<< 地 遊覧案内: yuurannannnai: guidebook <<< 案内 遊覧案内所: yuurannannnaisho: tourist bureau <<< 所 遊覧旅行: yuuranryokou: round trip <<< 旅行 遊覧切符: yuurankippu: excursion ticket <<< 切符 遊覧飛行: yuuranhikou: sight-seeing flight <<< 飛行 遊覧バス: yuuranbasu: sight-seeing bus, charabanc <<< バス check also: 遠足 , 観光 , ツアー 幽霊pronunciation: yuureikanji characters: 幽 , 霊 keyword: fantasy translation: ghost, phantom, spook 幽霊の様な: yuureinoyouna: ghostly <<< 様 幽霊船: yuureisen: phantom ship <<< 船 幽霊会社: yuureigaisha: bogus company <<< 会社 幽霊屋敷: yuureiyashiki: haunted house <<< 屋敷 幽霊人口: yuureijinkou: ghost [bogus] population <<< 人口 synonyms: 亡霊 , 御化
有利pronunciation: yuurikanji characters: 有 , 利 keyword: sport translation: advantage, vantage 有利な: yuurina: advantageous, favorable, profitable 有利に: yuurini: advantageously, favorably, profitably antonyms: 不利 憂慮pronunciation: yuuryokanji characters: 憂 , 慮 translation: worry, anxiety, concern 憂慮する: yuuryosuru: worry (v.) 憂慮すべき: yuuryosubeki: grievous, grave check also: 懸念 , 心配 有力pronunciation: yuuryokukanji characters: 有 , 力 translation: influence, importance, strength 有力な: yuuryokuna: influential, important, strong 有力者: yuuryokusha: man of influence <<< 者 有料pronunciation: yuuryoukanji characters: 有 , 料 keyword: transport translation: charged (service) 有料の: yuuryouno: charged 有料道路: yuuryoudouro: toll road <<< 道路 有料便所: yuuryoubenjo: pay toilet <<< 便所 有料トイレ: yuuryoutoire <<< トイレ 有料駐車場: yuuryouchuushajou: toll parking check also: 無料 優勢pronunciation: yuuseikanji characters: 優 , 勢 keyword: war , sport translation: predominance, superiority, lead, favor, advantage 優勢な: yuuseina: dominant, superior, strong, favorable, advantageous 優勢である: yuuseidearu: be dominant (favorable, advantageous) 優勢に成る: yuuseininaru: gain in strength, gain an advantage over, gain ground <<< 成 優勢を保つ: yuuseiotamotsu: maintain a superior position (an advantage) over, have the edge on <<< 保 check also: 劣勢 優先pronunciation: yuusenkanji characters: 優 , 先 keyword: finance , transport translation: priority, preference, privilege 優先の: yuusennno: prior, preferential, privileged 優先的な: yuusentekina <<< 的 優先的に: yuusekitekini: referentially 優先する: yuusensuru: precede, take precedence 優先株: yuusenkabu: preferred shares (stocks) <<< 株 優先権: yuusenken: prerogative, priority <<< 権 優先権が有る: yuusenkengaaru: have a priority <<< 有 優先権を与える: yuusenkennoataeru: give a priority <<< 与 優先権を得る: yuusenkennoeru: get a priority <<< 得 | |
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