Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: buddhism

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毘沙門天 多聞天 毘沙門
alternative words: Bishamon ten, Bishamon god, Bishamon, Tamonten
keywords: buddhism , god
related topics: 7 fortune gods , Uesugi Kenshin
explanation: One of 4 Buddhism guardians, Shitenno (4 celestial princes) which protect 4 cardinal points. Bishamonten (Vai�ravana in Sanskrit) is responsible of the northern direction and his statue is represented by a fiery figure with a halberd at right hand and a miniature pagoda at left hand. Listening well the teach of Buddha, he is also called Tamonten. In Japan, as a member of 7 fortune gods, Bishamonten was especially venerated by samurai warriors: Uesugi Kenshin used his symbol on the flag.


alternative words: Bonji character
keywords: buddhism
related topics: Buddhism
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Bonji is Sanskrit characters used essentially by Buddhism monks to write down prayer, for Buddhism having originated from India. Bonji means Brahmi scripts, ancestor of Devanagari scripts. Brahmi was imported to India from Phoenician scripts at 8th century B.C., before reaching China then Japan. You can find example of Bonji scripts on wooden sticks surrounding tombs in Japan, called Sotoba, i.e. Stupa in Sanskrit.


alternative words: Bodhissatva
keywords: buddhism , god
related topics: Kannon , Jizo , Buddhism
explanation: Deity ranked just below a Buddha. In order to save those who are suffering, they prefer to remain on the earth, instead of becoming a Buddha. The most popular Bosatsu in Japan are Kannon and Jiso.


alternative words: Japanese Buddhism, Bukkyo, Bukkyou
keywords: buddhism , religion
related topics: Nihonshoki , Nara period , Heian period , Kamakura period , Esoteric Buddhism , Shintoism , Zen
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: Nihonshoki says that it arrived to Japan in 552. According to the advent epoch, there exist 3 groups of sects. Nara Buddhism from Nara period was a national religion and their temples are around the ancient capitals. Esoteric Buddhism was introduced from China during Heian period and their temples are located in mountains like Koyasan and Hieisan. Kamakura Buddhism appeared in Kamakura period as a popular movement and their temples are located mostly in province.


alternative words: Darma, Bodhidharma, Daruma doll
keywords: buddhism , china , craft
related topics: Zen , Buddhism
related web sites: ,
explanation: Indian Buddhist priest, born in circa 470. He came to China to teach Zen doctrine but little is known about his real life. In Japan, he is popular through a doll showing his meditation posture in a red robe. Daruma doll of cocoon form appeared during Edo period at Takasaki city in Gunma prefecture to pray for a healthy growth of silk worms. Now people set it before any challenge such as an election by drawing one eye and will complete the eye when it becomes successful.

Eihe Dogen

永平道元 道元
alternative words: Eihei Dougen, Dogen Eihe, Dougen Eihei, Dogen, Dougen
keywords: buddhism , famous person , priest
related topics: Tendai sect , Soto sect , Zen
related web sites:
explanation: Born in 1200 in a noble family of Kyoto. Lost very young both of parents, he entered Enryakuji monastery to study from Tendai sect. He then went to China in 1223 to study from Soto sect. Returned back in 1227, he wrote Fukan Zazengi which explains the practice of Zazen. Disgusted with established Buddhist sects, he moved to Fukui prefecture to build Eiheji temple. Because of hard discipline, his sect had become popular among samurai clans. He died in 1253.

Esoteric Buddhism

alternative words: Mikkyo, Mikkyou
keywords: buddhism , religion
related topics: Buddhism , Nyorai , Bosatsu , Heian period , Kukai , Saicho
explanation: Buddhism school initiated in India around 7th century, 2 visiting Buddhist students, Saicho and Kukai, brought it from China at the beginning of Heian period. Associated to mountain faith, it became very popular and entered a conflict with preexistent Buddhism. So Saicho founded Tendai sect at Enryakuji in Mt Hiei while Kukai, Shingon sect at Kongobuji in Mt Koya. Related to Tibetan Buddhism, the doctrine says that every Buddha and Bostatu should be an avatar of Dainichi Nyorai.


alternative words: St Gyoki, Saint Gyoki, Gyouki, Gyogi
keywords: buddhism , famous person , korea , priest
related topics: Nara period , Emperor Shomu
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Buddhist priest of Nara period. Born in 668 in a Paekche descent family of southern Osaka. After having studied Buddhism from Dosho and Gien at Yakushiji temple, he traveled through different provinces to preach Buddhism and helped peasants to build bridges and dikes. Initially persecuted for troubling peasants, he succeeded soon to indoctrinate Emperor Shomu and participated in building Todaiji temple. He would have drawn the oldest Japanese map (Gyoki zu). He died in 749.


法然 法然聖人
alternative words: Holly Honen, Honen shonin, Hounen, Hounen shounin
keywords: buddhism , famous person , priest
related topics: Heian period , Jodo sect , Shinran
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1133 in Okayama prefecture in a samurai family. After the killing of his father, he was sent to Enryakuji temple to study Buddhism. Unhappy with Tendai sect of Enryakuji, he retired in Kurotani monastery to study and carry our an ascetic practice. Then, he went to Kyoto and began directly preach the people. Because of a simplicity of his teaching, his sect became popular but soon it was greatly persecuted because of jealousy of other sects. Shinran is one of his disciples of the period.


alternative words: Hotei god
keywords: buddhism , god
related topics: 7 fortune gods , Zen , Bosatsu
explanation: Eccentric Zen priest of the late Tang dynasty in China. He walked around to collect offering with a huge bag while showing a big belly and slept in the snow. He was considered a reincarnation of Miroku Bosatsu and included among 18 rakan and 7 fortune gods (shichifukujin) as a god of abundance.
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