Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Nimes

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French words: Nîmes
keywords: roman remains , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Gard bridge , Nimes amphitheater , Maison Carree , TGV
related web sites: ,
explanation: Nimes had been an important Roman city in southern France on the route linking Italy and Spain, as many vestiges witness it, such as amphitheater and Gard bridge. It was called 'Colonia Nemausus' (Colony from the Nile) because Roman legionary veterans from Egypt settled there. For a short time, Nimes had been occupied by Saracens but liberated by Pippin III in 754. Being a center of wine production, Nimes is the capital of Gard prefecture and the population 133000. Nimes is now from Paris in 3 hours by TGV.

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