Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Paris Opera

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Paris Opera

French words: Paris Opéra , Opéra Garnier , Palais Garnier
alternative words: Opera Garnier, Opera house, Garnier palace
keywords: building , paris , theater
related topics: Louvre museum , Opera Bastille
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located north of Louvre palace, Paris Opera, also called Opera Garnier, is a majestic edifice of Napoleon III style, designed by a young architect, Charles Garnier. Though its construction began in 1857 during the reign of Napoleon III, it was interrupted by Franco-Prussian War in 1870 and Paris-commune uprising in the next year, and finished finally in 1874. Since the inauguration of Opera Bastille, in 1989, the lyric company has left there and only ballets are performed in Opera Garnier.

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