Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Pope palace

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Pope palace

French words: Palais des papes , Palais des papes d'Avignon
alternative words: Palace of the popes, Palais des papes
keywords: castle , human heritage , southern france , tourist resort
related topics: Avignon
related web sites: ,
explanation: In order to avoid the conflict with Italians, Pope Clement V moved the pontificated to Avignon in 1309. The next pope, John XXII transformed his Episcopal residence to the pontifical. The 3rd pope, Benedict XII began to build an imposing castle (old palace) as he had been a Cistercian monk. Considering this site as definitive, the next pope, Clement VI enlarge it by adding an elegant edifice (new palace). The last pope, Gregory XI returned back to Rome in 1377 but Avignon elected an own pope (great Schism).

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