Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Kanmu

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Emperor Kanmu

alternative words: Kanmu tenno, Emperor Kammu, Kammu tenno, Kanmu tennou, Kanmu, Kammu
keywords: emperor , famous person
related topics: Nagaokakyo , Heiankyo
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 737. After the death of Empress Shotoku, Tenmu branch had been extinguished and a prince of Tench branch, Konin became an emperor. Shortly after, Kanmu succeeded his father and became the 50th emperor. In order to emphasize the arrival of a new era, he moved the capital to Nagaokakyo then to Heiankyo and strived to reestablish "Ritsuryo" i.e. centralized regime. His mother being Korean origin, he engaged more foreigners in the government. He died in 806.

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