Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Emperor Taisho

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Emperor Taisho

大正天皇 嘉仁 大正
alternative words: Taisho tenno, Taishotenno, Taishou tenno, Yoshihito, Taisho, Taishou
keywords: emperor , famous person
related topics: Emperor Meiji , Taisho period
explanation: Born in 1879 between Emperor Meiji and a court lady, Yanagihara Naruko. His personal name was Yoshihito and educated in a western style university for peers (Gakushuin). He became the 123rd emperor in 1912 and proclaimed his era "Taisho". He was officially enthroned in 1915 at Kyoto but due to his cerebral illness, he was unable to deal with state affairs and his crown prince Hirohito became a regent in 1921. His reign was relatively calm excepting for the world war I. He died in 1926.

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