Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Jodo shin sect

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Jodo shin sect

浄土真宗 真宗 一向宗
alternative words: Jodoshinshu sect, Jodoshinshu, Jodo shinshu, Jod shin shu, Shin sect, Shinshu, Ikko sect, Ikkoshu, True pure land sect
keywords: buddhism , sect
related topics: Shinran , Kamakura period , Muromachi period , Rennyo , Honen , Jodo sect , Buddhism
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explanation: One of the new Buddhist sects created in Kamakura period. Its founder, Shinran never interested in creating a sect, his followers had been split into several groups and weaken. Much later, during Muromachi period, Rennyo, a descendant of Shinran, began to gather all these groups around Honganji temple, a mausoleum of Shinran, to create a powerful sect. Issued from Honen's Jodo sect, it gives more importance to the faith of each than simple prayers. It admits marriage of priests and meat eating.

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