Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Jomon period

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Jomon period

縄文時代 縄文
alternative words: Jomon era, Jomonjidai, Jomon jidai, Joumon period, Joumon jidai, Joumonjidai, Jomon, Joumon
keywords: epoch
related topics: Ezo , Yayoi period
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Jomon era, running from 12,000 BC to 300 BC, was characterized by somewhat milder climate and intensive volcanic activities in Kyushu island. For that reason, the center of civilization was located in north-eastern Japan. The recent DNA test has revealed that the population of Jomon was composed essentially with Ainu, now confined into Hakkaido. The characteristic remains of Jomon are small ceramic statues (Dogu), and bases with rope traces from which Jomon name originated.

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