Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Mamiya Rinzo

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Mamiya Rinzo

alternative words: Rinzo Mamiya, Mamiya Rinzou, Rinzou Mamiya
keywords: explorer , famous person , northern territory
related topics: Edo shogunate , Ezochi , Ino Tadataka , Siebold
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born in 1775 in Ibaraki prefecture. Being very clever at mathematics, he went to Tokyo to learn the surveying technique from Ino Tadataka. After repeated incursions of Russians to "Ezochi", Edo shogunate gave him an order to explore the northern part of Sakhalin island. In 1809, he reached the north Sakhalin and showed that it is an island separated by a narrow channel. In 1828, he denounced a plan to export secretly a detailed Japanese map by von Siebold. He died in 1844.

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