Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Miyamoto Musashi

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Miyamoto Musashi

宮本武蔵 武蔵 二刀流
alternative words: Musashi Miyamoto, Musashi, Nitoryu, Nitouryu, Nito ryu, Nitou ryu
keywords: famous person , swordsman
related topics: Sengoku period , Edo period , Gorinnosho , Sasaki Kojiro
related web sites: ,
explanation: Famous swordsman, lived between Sengoku and early Edo periods. A legend said that he would have fought simultaneously against more than 100 experienced swordsmen and at that moment he invented a method of combat with 2 swords. Finally he had to challenge a duel with another skillful swordsman, Sasaki Kojiro, at Ganryujima island near Shimonoseki. Advanced in years, he left many pictures. He wrote a famous philosophy book, "Gorin no sho", too.

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