Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: Nihonshoki

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日本書紀 日本紀
alternative words: Nihon-shoki, Nihon shoki, Nohongi, Nihon-gi, Nihon gi
keywords: book
related topics: Kojiki , Emperor Jimmu , Empress Jingu , Prince Yamatotakeru
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explanation: The oldest official Japanese history book. Written by Prince Toneri assisted by Oono Yasumaro and published in 720, it contains 30 volumes and embraces the mythological era until the end of Empress Jito's reign in 697. Contrary to Kojiki, published at the same epoch, Nihonshoki is an official book resulting from a synthesis of different sources: if there exists a contradiction on the description of a event, it enumerates different versions.

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