Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 利益 , 理科 , 理解 , 理化学 , 利確 , 利害 , 力学 , 力士 , 力量 , 陸軍


pronunciation: rieki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: profit, gain
利益の有る: riekinoaru: profitable, paying, beneficial, advantageous <<<
利益の無い: riekinonai: unprofitable, unpaying <<<
利益の少ない: riekinosukunai: give [yield] little profit <<<
利益に反する: riekinihansuru: be against one's interests <<<
利益を得る: riekioeru: derive benefit from <<<
利益を与える: riekioataeru: benefit, do (a person) good <<<
利益金: riekikin: a profit <<<
純利益金: junriekikin: a net profit <<<
利益分配: riekibunpai: profit sharing, distribution of profits
利益配当: riekihaitou: dividend <<< 配当
利益確定: riekikakutei: profit taking <<< 確定 , 利確
荒利益: ararieki: gross margin [profit] <<<
粗利益: ararieki <<<
不当利益: hutourieki: undue profit, profiteering <<< 不当
synonyms: 所得 , 黒字


pronunciation: rika   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science , education   
translation: science study
理科系: rikakei: science dominant course or student <<<
理科大学: rikadaigaku: college of science <<< 大学
check also: 文化


pronunciation: rikai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: understanding, apprehension, savvy
理解する: rikaisuru: understand, apprehend
理解が早い: rikaigahayai: be quick of understanding <<<
理解が遅い: rikaigaosoi: be slow of understanding <<<
理解が足りない: rikaigatarinai: do not fully understand, lack sympathy for <<<
理解の有る: rikainoaru: understanding, comprehending <<<
理解の無い: rikainonai: unsympathetic, uncomprehending <<<
理解し易い: rikaishiyasui: easy to understand <<<
理解し難い: rikaishigatai: incomprehensible, beyond one's comprehension <<<
理解出来る: rikaidekiru: comprehensible <<< 出来
理解に苦しむ: rikainikurushimu: be unable to understand <<<
理解力: rikairyoku: capacity to understand <<<
check also:


pronunciation: rikagaku   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: chemistry , physics   
translation: physics and chemistry
理化学の: rikagakuno: physicochemical
check also: 化学 , 物理


pronunciation: rikaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market   
translation: profit taking
check also: 損切


pronunciation: rigai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: interests
利害を共にする: rigaiotomonisuru: have common interests (in a matter with a person) <<<
利害に関係が有る: rigainikankeigaaru: affect one's interests, be of (great) concern (to one)
利害関係が有る: rigaikankeigaaru: have an interest [a concern] (in)
利害関係の衝突: rigaikankeinoshoutotsu: clash [conflict] of interests
利害関係者: rigaikankeisha: persons concerned, interested parties


pronunciation: rikigaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mechanics   
translation: dynamics, mechanics
力学の: rikigakuno: dynamic (a.)
力学上: rikigakujou <<<
動力学: dourikigaku: kinetics <<<
静力学: seirikigaku: statics <<<
静力学の: seirikigakuno: static (a.)
量子力学: ryoushirikigaku: quantum mechanics <<< 量子
波動力学: hadourikigaku: wave mechanics <<< 波動
応用力学: ouyourikigaku: applied mechanics <<< 応用
気体力学: kitairikigaku: aerodynamics <<< 気体
天体力学: tentairikigaku: celestial mechanics <<< 天体


pronunciation: rikishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: martial art   
translation: sumo wrestler
check also: 相撲


pronunciation: rikiryou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: ability, talent, capacity
力量の有る: rikiryounoaru: able, capable, competent <<< , 有能
check also: 才能 , 手腕


pronunciation: rikugun   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: army
陸軍の: rikugunnno: military
陸軍省: rikugunshou: ministry of war <<<
陸軍大臣: rikugundaijin: minister of war <<< 大臣
陸軍長官: rikugunchoukan: secretary of war <<< 長官
陸軍士官: rikugunshikan: military officer, army officer <<< 士官
陸軍士官学校: rikugunshikangakkou: military academy <<< 学校
陸軍病院: rikugunbyouin: military hospital <<< 病院
陸軍元帥: rikugungensui: field marshal <<< 元帥
陸軍大将: rikuguntaishou: (full) general <<< 大将
陸軍武官: rikugunbukan: military attaché
check also: 海軍 , 空軍

120 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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