Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 6
translation: punishment, penalty, sentence, law, rule
kei, gyou
刑を科する: keiokasuru: condemn (a person) to a penalty, sentence (v.) <<<
刑に処する: keinishosuru <<<
刑に服する: keinihukusuru: serve [submit to] one's sentence <<<
刑: nori: law, order, rule <<< ,
刑: shioki: punishment, penalty, sentence (n.) <<< 仕置
刑る: kubikiru: decapitate
Kanji words: 減刑 , 刑事 , 刑法 , 処刑 , 流刑 , 刑期 , 死刑 , 刑務所
Expressions: 終身刑 , 刑の軽減 , 刑を軽減する , 罰金刑 , 刑を執行する

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