Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: accounting
Number of strokes: 12
translation: symptom, nearly
幾: kizashi: symptom, omen <<<
幾ど: hotondo: nearly <<<
幾: hotohoto: quite (at a loss) <<<
幾: iku: unknown quantity
幾ら: ikura: how much, how many, how far, how long
幾らでも: ikurademo: any number [amount] of, as many [much] as one likes [wants]
幾らですか: ikuradesuka: How much does it cost, What is the price [charge, fare, fee]
幾らか: ikuraka: some, a little, somewhat, to some extent, partly
幾ら遅くとも: ikuraosokutomo: at (the) latest <<<
幾ら多くても: ikuraookutemo: at (the) most <<<
幾ら良くても: ikurayokutemo: at (the) best <<<
幾つ: ikutsu: how many, how old
幾つか: ikutsuka: some, several, few
幾つですか: ikutsudesuka: How old are you?
Kanji words: 幾度 , 幾何
Expressions: 皆で幾らですか , 締めて幾らですか , 幾週間も , 値段は幾ら

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