Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 7
translation: dive, plunge, sink, submerge
chin, jin, shin
沈む: shizumu: dive (vi.), plunge, sink, go to the bottom, go down, set, be downcast, be dejected, feel depressed
沈める: shizumeru: plunge (vt.), sink, send (a ship) to the bottom, submerge
沈んだ: shizunda: dejected, dispirited, melancholy, somber, quiet
Kanji words: 沈没 , 沈殿 , 沈黙
Expressions: 月が沈む , 悲しみに沈む , 憂いに沈む , 水底に沈む , 船首から沈む , 太陽が沈む , マットに沈める

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