Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: hygiene
Number of strokes: 9
translation: wash
sen, san
洗う: arau: wash (v.)
洗い: arai: wash (n.), washing, slice of crisp raw fish (jp.)
洗える: araeru: washable
洗いが効く: araigakiku: wash well, be washable <<<
洗いが効かない: araigakikanai: do not stand [bear] washing <<<
洗いに出す: arainidasu: send to the wash <<<
洗い出す: araidasu: delve into <<<
洗い落とす: araiotosu: wash off [out], cleanse <<<
洗い直す: arainaosu: wash again, re-examine, revise, review <<<
Kanji words: 洗剤 , 洗濯 , 洗い熊 , 洗練 , 手洗 , 皿洗 , 前洗い , 洗面 , 洗浄 , 洗礼
Expressions: 皿を洗う , 髪を洗う , 摘み洗いする , 足を洗う , 顔を洗う , 石鹸で洗う

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