Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: mechanics
Number of strokes: 13
translation: smooth, glassy, slide, skate, glide, slip, slither, skid
katsu, kotsu
滑り: suberi: sliding, slide (n.), skating, skid
滑りが良い: suberigaii, suberigayoi: slide well <<<
滑りが悪い: suberigawarui: do not slide well <<<
滑る: suberu: slide (v.), skate, glide, slip, slither, skid
滑り落ちる: suberiochiru: slide down <<<
滑り易すい: suberiyasui: slippery <<<
滑らかな: namerakana: smooth (a.), glassy
滑らかに: namerakani: fluently, smoothly
滑らかにする: namerakanisuru: smooth (v.), make smooth
滑れる: midareru: be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion] <<<
Kanji words: 滑り台 , 滑車 , 滑子 , 滑稽 , 滑走 , 滑降 , 潤滑
Expressions: 舌を滑らす , 滑車輪 , スロープを滑る
synonyms: スリップ
related words: スライド

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