Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 14
translation: transport [carry] by ship (orig.), row, pull (on) an oar, work at oars
漕ぐ: kogu: row, pull (on) an oar, work at oars
漕ぎ出す: kogidasu: row [pull] out <<<
漕ぎ手: kogite: oarsman <<<
漕ぶ: hakobu: ship (v.), transport [carry] by ship
Kanji words: 阿漕
Expressions: 船を漕ぐ , 櫓で漕ぐ , 自転車を漕ぐ , ボートを漕ぐ , カヌーを漕ぐ , オールを漕ぐ

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